It wasn't me

By Anon - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United States - Modesto

Today, I got detention at school because a girl told the principal I was stalking her on campus. I wasn't stalking her, we just have very similar schedules. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 500
You deserved it 1 767

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Some bitches just want to feel important.

KhaleesiDannie 26

You obviously took all the same classes so you could stalk her more efficiently*sarcasm font*


For revenge...Once things are cleared up you could mess with her and pretend to stalk (carefully) and when she tells the principal they won't believe her

Except they obviously will believe her, since they already do believe her. They'll just think OP didn't learn his lesson and is still doing it, and will probably give a worse punishment than detention the second time around.

Take an extra minute or two so she doesn't think if it stalking?

He shouldn't have to take his sweet time walking to class to fit her insecurity and paranoia.

I sympathize with you OP. She was just a bitch who actually wants to be stalked!

How the hell does detention work in college

jkp1291 25

I'm guessing it was high school

Normally people refer to head figures as a Dean rather than principle... So most likely at high school.

pacman490 21

Some high schools are pretentious enough to call their buildings a "campus"

jkp1291 25

I've never heard of a high school not calling it a campus

Wow big ego much. how dare you, having to take lots of the same classes as her! Pffft

this fml has lots of romantic potential.

I'm slightly concerned over how the school dealt with the 'stalking' issue. Not only did they not ask OP for his story but also thought that a mere detention was a suitable punishment for stalking. wtf.

OP, fight the crap out of this. Getting detention is the school publicly confirming your guilt and ruining your reputation as a stalker and a threat to students, female specifically. That girl, seeing you get in trouble, will also confirm this and WILL spread it around. After all, she didn't go to you to ask what was going on or anything and the school shouldn't have done squat without investigation. Merely showing YOUR schedule should get you out of it. If not, go above your school to the superintendent. But yeah, I agree with #22. One detention for stalking, is not how they are supposed to handle it. Stalking is a crime and they are risking their careers by risking your reputation since everyone knows kids are stupid as hell and all it takes is one obsessed nut thinking she needs protection before something might happen.

I really want this to happen. My school has gotten a lot of things swept under the rug that should have been brought to attention.

spn_fanboy14 12

Yes because it is defamation of character