It wasn't me

By Anon - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United States - Modesto

Today, I got detention at school because a girl told the principal I was stalking her on campus. I wasn't stalking her, we just have very similar schedules. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 500
You deserved it 1 767

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Some bitches just want to feel important.

KhaleesiDannie 26

You obviously took all the same classes so you could stalk her more efficiently*sarcasm font*


Sandman2015 12

Don't serve it. Show the principal your schedule and show him if you have the same classes obviously you'd go the same path. If he persists, get your parents involved.

leogachi 15

@41 I would just skip a step and immediately get my parents involved.

Maybe she was stalking you and she just brought it to attention so she would seem like the least likely person to be stalking someone o_O

Just trying to make herself feel so special.

I'd really love a follow up to this FML... hope things got resolved

It's completely unprofessional of them to give you a detention without having investigated this issue. If you do have a few of the same classes showing them your schedule and possibly getting your teachers to confirm it should absolutely get you out of this mess. And why didn't they call you both to get this sorted out? She could've cried like a little bitch and you could've shrugged and pulled out your schedule, and made her look like the insipid fool she probably is. And both 22 and 24 have a point, it confirms your guilt so don't accept the detention. Personally I would've forced them to bring her in as a witness and and gotten the matter sorted right away.

So a woman can ruin a man's carreer/education just by making an accusation and he doesn't even get to explain himself. Now THAT is rape culture. If you still believe feminism wants real gender equality then, if you lived in the past, you would have believed seperate-but-equal was a great thing for r

Mathalamus 24

Just take the one detention. You can take a little infamy hit this one time. If it happens again, though, then fight it. Think of it this way: if people dislike you just from that, then they are obviously not worth your time, thus making sure your reputation isn't hit to those who have a brain.

zach055 23

#54, if he takes the detention this time, it will be much harder to fight it the next time since by taking the detention he's "admitted" to stalking her.

Mathalamus 24

You can't fight a detention... I tried, I only got in more trouble instead. Regardless of circumstance, I believe it's easier to go with it. They have the power. You do not.

orsombre_fml 11

You can fight a detention. Especially when there is no evidence of any investigation. OP might have to find a lawyer but his reputation is worthy it.

pacman490 21

And she didn't notice that you were in the same classrooms all day too?