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Judge not lest you be judged, my friend

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I was riding my bike and stopped at a street light. A little girl looked at me, then asked her mother, "Mommy, why does that girl have a ring through her nose?" Her mother then replied, "Because her parents don't love her." FML
I agree, your life sucks 72 022
You deserved it 19 980

Top comments

you should of grunted at her like a bull

liz16 0

hahah well it has always been said piercings make a statement..


177, i have class. how does training to be a pschiatrist make me uncomfortable with myself? i think helping other people is a pretty noble thing. and a therapist is a doctor as well, so dont EVEN think your better than me for going to medical school, i may have to go to medical school as well if i want to be able to prescribe medicine. and you know your only leaving because you ran out of arguments cause we pretty much beat you. and the whole "everyone is lame", actually "most people are lame" because theyre retarded and judgemental and close minded and pathetic. the people im going to be helping are people with real mental illnesses, which i wouldnt think they are lame cause they cant help it. your just a jerk, and you can help that. see you in a few years when you knock on my door trying to get an appointment because your all kinds of messed up.

#176-I'm soooo glad you think me a freak because I can actually express my opinions with evidence and structured argument, my goal in life to defy society's rejects has been realized and I can now die happily. Though I personally find anyone who claims to be in medical school and uses texting language in arguments to be beneath notice and not to be someone I would ever trust to be my doctor, I hope your professors have thoroughly spanked you for using such language in laboratory reports and studies. You're not the only smart person on the planet, I have published research and am conducting more in creating diagnostic assays to test for allele specific CFTR gene mutations that cause cystic fibrosis and have been working to map out the genome of the dog, but whatever, see you in the funny pages.

Thats what u get for putting a ring in ur freakin nose

you should have killed the kid, casually said that you were checking if her parents loved her, then happily ridden away on your bike.

Boob_fml 6

thebomb: "my computer is malfunctioning...don't feel retyping my "dissertation" on you freaks that i submitted, but the computer had problems... done trying to help you need to argue with a bunch of classless **** ups" Ha, classy.

ANY piercing that isn't the first piercing on each ear starts to tend towards skanky/trashy, some piercings more than other and the effect is cumulative. simple fact. learn it.

bluedolphinz 0

# 185, that's not fair at all. Lots of people have a second ear piercing, maybe even a third, and it does not make them look trashy. You are welcome to believe it, because it's your opinion, but stop stating it as if it's a fact, because it's not.

login_fml 0

YDI. Nose piercings are for losers

awww thats so harsh i would have gone ape at her (what a cow