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By doomed - 09/06/2009 01:28 - New Zealand

Today, the girl I'm in love with invited me to stay with her in Europe for 2 weeks, she's even paying for the flights and accommodation. It's because I'm such a special friend to her, and she wants me to come up to meet her fiancé before she gets married. FML
I agree, your life sucks 67 990
You deserved it 6 354

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ouch. Shoulda made a move on her sooner D:

randomdude1234 0

:( I'm sorry man I know what it's like to be close friends with someone your totally in love with.


lifeasweknewit 0

oohhhhh Maid of Honor much? at least patrick dempsey gets the girl in the end, though!

not an FML, its a FREE trip to Europe

Cat0004 0

Damn that fiancé of hers...must be doing things like...buying his own tickets and paying for his own accomodations just to see her so that she feels special... No way...that's not how you show her you like her right? You make her pay for everything...

Damn, really sorry to hear that man. The Friend Zone is probably one of the most heinous depressing creations of human romance. Not only does every girl have a different standard for the Friend Zone, but once you're in, you never get out. Ah well, take the free trip, and try and enjoy it to the fullest. And hey, if you can avoid them throughout the trip, even better.

_CherryBomb_ 0

She apparently doesnt love you back but hey free trip to Europe... Score lol

ezbz11 0

this kind of reminds me of the movie "Made of Honor." So, if this post is true, you should watch that movie and try to pull that off. lol