
By Satan'sChildren - 28/04/2013 02:30 - United States - Oak Creek

Today, I was coming home from a much-needed vacation. The time I spent on the plane consisted of kids screaming and throwing tantrums. One of them managed to give me a black eye with a shoe. Their mom pretended to be asleep so I'd have to deal with her kids for her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 618
You deserved it 3 263

Same thing different taste

Top comments


You should have shoved the shoe into the kid's ass. It's what Jesus would have done.

plum_lovin 28

I probably would have used her kids shoe and hit her with it to wake her up (even if she was really "asleep" or not. Deal with your own damn kids lady!!


Parenting by proxy. All the lazy, couldn't care less parents seem to use this method. It saves them the hassle of actually being a responsible adult. It makes me so mad!!!

Whip the shoe in her face. Then blame her kids.

Why are all the 'even if she was asleep I'd just wake her up' comments being downvoted? Lady needs to take on some parental responsibility.

Wow!! That is just so bad. What kinda mother would do that. I work with young children and their are many ways we have learned to stop kids from having trantums. Some people should not have children.

I would have called the flight attendant, and asked for an upgrade. If you're nice and they have space, sometimes they'll move you. Also, flight attendant probably would have made Mom look after her own damn kids.

RrubiksCuber 6

Just say somewhat loudly "Since this lady's asleep, I think I'll take her purse!" Make sure you're far enough away to not actually be accuse of theft.

stacey_92 12

i wouldn't have watched her kids, like 34 said, i'd go to the attendent and like most i assume would make the parents take care of their own. people need to learn that they can punish a child in public if done correctly.

Haha how do you know she was pretending :0

I would have said to the kids that you were going to take them home with you and make them your little butlers and lawn ornaments in a really creepy voice. Then I would have made my story get more creepy the more I talked to them telling them about the last children you had to discipline. All in a creepy voice.

Then the Air Marshals take you into custody for a psychiatric evaluation...

I would of bitched slapped her with the shoe accidentally poured my drink on the mother.