
By LaLa - 09/01/2012 05:01 - United States

Today, I was with my boyfriend, and we started to get a little kinky. He laid me down roughly on the bed, but I started to slide off, so I pulled myself up. In doing so, I managed to knee him in the nut-sack, causing him to puke. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 779
You deserved it 7 876

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So since you didn't have sex I guess you decided to "hit the sack"? Eh? No? Ok then.

I bet that's going to turn him of kinky stuff for a while.


Thats a bit past kinky... more dominatrix but hey some guys like REALLY rough sex... o_O

I dont consider vomit rough sex. Its a whole new meaning too unsafe sex

You're on the right track, can't get much kinkier than that =))

lemonsquid 6

I DO agree. Your life is horrible.

perdix 29

He needs to wear a cup to have safe sex with you. Think of the money you'll save on condoms! I'm surprised no one else has come up with such an obvious solution. YWIA!

princess09 3
Ninetales247 2

Well OP, At least you didnt get hit!

this is more of an fml for the guy than the op

Do you ever post a comment that doesn't get moderated??

FMLsOhilarious 6

I didn't even know it was a possibility for guys to puke because of that. Way to go OP; this should be his FML, not yours. However, it can go both ways. Just try to be careful next time you and him get kinky.