
By LaLa - 09/01/2012 05:01 - United States

Today, I was with my boyfriend, and we started to get a little kinky. He laid me down roughly on the bed, but I started to slide off, so I pulled myself up. In doing so, I managed to knee him in the nut-sack, causing him to puke. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 779
You deserved it 7 876

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So since you didn't have sex I guess you decided to "hit the sack"? Eh? No? Ok then.

I bet that's going to turn him of kinky stuff for a while.


Don't think he'll do kinky for a while

Just suck those better and get back to it; nothing wrong with a nut-suckin'.

Guys don't know about the pleasures of having periods or how comfortable being pregnant can be. But no woman can ever understand the horrifying pain we have to endure when our scrotum is under siege.

Actually with kidney stones most women say it hurts worse than birth. So we do experience that pain. Also the male urethra is over 4 times longer than the females so that stone has a longer path to travel. So we understand suffering too.

GoW_Chick 14

Well that hurt, you wanted to get a little rough but it just blew up in your face.

#22 some people like it rough, you're not the only human on earth different people have different needs.

#35 she never gave her preference if she did like it rough or not. Go troll somewhere else.

#100 no you ******* retard she edited her post after I proved her wrong, it happens a **** ton on this website.

RedPillSucks 31

Worse than that. Since most likely she was under him, he puked on her. This is the biggest failed attempt at getting kinky that I've ever heard of.

cash_monkey72 9

I don't know how to respond to that.