Knackered and shattered

By Out of Shape - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - Egypt

Today, I decided to start exercising. I almost passed out five minutes into the warm up, and couldn't even stand in the shower afterwards. I'm only 21. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 123
You deserved it 35 884

Same thing different taste

Top comments

BooGhosted 0

Keep at it and you'll never regret it again. At least in a few weeks anyway.

why would you need to shower after doing nothing


I'm the same way... 20 years old and I can only jog for about 5 minutes haha

YDI for doing nothing physical your whole life

That's your own damn fault. Sry but if you let it get to this point then it's nobody elses fault but your own! (Except if you have any medical issues, but since you didn't mention any I just assume that you don't.)

peterblack67 9

You're either morbidly obese or you need to see a Dr. That just doesn't sound right.


consistency is key. do what you can. eventually you will realize you can do more

Wadlaen 23

Well, you've tried it, but it seems like it's not for you.

MistressAfrodite 5