Knackered and shattered

By Out of Shape - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - Egypt

Today, I decided to start exercising. I almost passed out five minutes into the warm up, and couldn't even stand in the shower afterwards. I'm only 21. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 123
You deserved it 35 884

Same thing different taste

Top comments

BooGhosted 0

Keep at it and you'll never regret it again. At least in a few weeks anyway.

why would you need to shower after doing nothing


iCandy2011 1
jessbabe 4

I think thy should tell you something/:

paintedgoddess 0

Holy crap lol what was the workout? Sounds like just the thing I need

At least OP is trying to get healthy instead of lying around eating mcmuffins.

So now you know exercise is important?

The_9th_Doctor 18

I'm fat and I can do better than that

elizacandle 29

pace yourself. you'll get there :)