Knackered knob

By Anonymous - 10/08/2009 06:27 - Ghana

Today, I learned that because of my new medication, I can either avoid getting malaria, or have a male yeast infection. I'm stuck in Africa for the next two months, and have to sit down to pee because I don't want to irritate my penis by touching it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 706
You deserved it 3 511

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think what he's trying to say is that the medication is to ward off malaria, but has the side effect of potential male yeast infection. A potential which has apparently been reached. FYL


or as in my case learn that it can either prevent malaria or prevent your heart to function properly and leave you lying in a hospital with tubes stuck everywhere :P

aya_agro 0

Well aren't some of you just idiots. Oh my god. Africa big whoop. Yeah they have shops and everything like normal people do. You might have to drive far but africa has stuff for infections and sHiT. We even have malls and hospitals? wow what a shock huh?? ... :) i live in africa. I go on holiday in africa once a month.. We drive far and go see allot. Im sure if he see's a doctor they can help. The worst thing we have is the crime nobody looks at. . I saw a lady get kicked out of a moving car down the road from the police station. The police didn't even come. .

can't you just go no-hands and moan it out? haha

Idiots, he can't rub one out either for another 2 months. I feel sorry for him :(

andlifesuxagain 0

Thats what happens when you dont live up to the "ride for head" program

bexox 0

I'm not sure if your main concern is the yeast infection or having to sit down. Yeast infections suck, but I'd take that over malaria. They don't last that long. Some guys sit down to pee just because they can.

o.0 couldn't you have worn gloves or something?

Be specific, where in Africa are you stuck in?

Jennydew 0

danielrp34, I guess I have to clarify my sarcasm for you. The antifungal creams that women use for yeast infections, Monistat cream that you have to fill the applicator with, will work topically for a male.

lkj1234 0

ah... malaria medication, I had to do that for awhile, just wait till the freaky dreams start. that shit is WEIRD

vdubz 0

Why F your life?!!?! only if you're stupid! Definitely prevent malaria. The alternative would be to not prevent malaria and have a male yeast infection! and from your post it sounds like you chose the second one! You deserved it! Seems like common sense to me!