Knackered knob

By Anonymous - 10/08/2009 06:27 - Ghana

Today, I learned that because of my new medication, I can either avoid getting malaria, or have a male yeast infection. I'm stuck in Africa for the next two months, and have to sit down to pee because I don't want to irritate my penis by touching it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 706
You deserved it 3 511

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think what he's trying to say is that the medication is to ward off malaria, but has the side effect of potential male yeast infection. A potential which has apparently been reached. FYL


OP - I might have just read this wrong, but I think you meant get malaria or prevent it and have a yeast infection. Bc you said either prevent malaria or get a yeast infection, and I wouldn't have to think for very long between a good choice and a horrible one.

Lady alathia - the guy said he was in Africa, and for the most part African countries are third world countries, and it's not hard to see that this is what the guy intends you to assume. Meaning they don't sell monistat there. Dumb ****.

chocolateteacup 25

Don't be daft. I'm from Ghana and I can assure you any medication you need is sold there. Don't assume we have nothing because it's considered a 'third world' country. Stop being ignorant

I think what he's trying to say is that the medication is to ward off malaria, but has the side effect of potential male yeast infection. A potential which has apparently been reached. FYL

musu_fml 0

I suspect what he's trying to say is that he can't take the medicine for the yeast infection and take his anti-malaria pills, as the two conflict in some way. I doubt the anti-malarials are causing his yeast infection.

CableX17 0

musu. u suspect wrong. just sayin

bittersweets 2

if sitting down while peeing is the only consequence, i'd say you're a lucky man!

Dude, go off the malaria meds and just drink a lot of gin and tonics. Quinine will treat any malaria you get and you also get to have gin:P Seriously, that sucks Don't try my suggestion, the amount of quinine in modern tonic is completely ineffective but you could probably find a better malaria medication.

AntiChrist7 0

well, it reduces your chanches for getting AIDS in africa if it gets irritated by touching it

i've had to sit down to pee my entire life. it's really not that bad. in fact, much preferable to malaria

andlifesuxagain 0

Hell, thats why the invented the gin&tonic in the first place.

If you are not able to keep your dick in your pants in Africa, you need to get the hell out now. Screw being trapped for 2 months, get out now.