Knackered knob

By Anonymous - 10/08/2009 06:27 - Ghana

Today, I learned that because of my new medication, I can either avoid getting malaria, or have a male yeast infection. I'm stuck in Africa for the next two months, and have to sit down to pee because I don't want to irritate my penis by touching it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 706
You deserved it 3 511

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think what he's trying to say is that the medication is to ward off malaria, but has the side effect of potential male yeast infection. A potential which has apparently been reached. FYL


Circumcision would fix that problem.

fartmouth123 0

whoa! that would suck so bad haha. im sorry =/. at least you aren't there for like...a year though i guess haha.

im pretty sure circumcision doesnt take off the whole penis and make it a ******.

bexox 0

Even if it did, vaginas are more susceptible to infection, so I don't think that would help.

Jennydew 0

Oh, boo hoo!! You have to sit down to pee. OMG the world's going to end!!! Quit whining and do what we women do, buy some Monistat and get over it!!!

Yeah, I get that same kind of jock itch. Not from anti-malarials, just cos my body hates me. Eat a shitload of yoghurt and wash with pH-neutral or acidic soaps (like castile soap) instead of basic soaps (most bar soaps). The acid-loving bacteria in the yoghurt will fight the yeast to a standstill. Here's hoping you can get the yoghurt and soap you need in Africa.

Someones not getting any action anytime soon.

I highly doubt monistat would work work on a guy.

buckskinpony 0

So? just sit? I bet your real concern is no seks and no masturbation.

Hey, how about you go over to Ghana and figure out where in the Volta region one can pick up Monistat? Oh, what's that? You've never been to Ghana? Damn, I never would have guessed.

eekamouse4123 0

not well worded... YOU can't prevent malaria or have a male yeast infection. you should say, "today i learned that my new medication not only prevents malaria but causes male yeast infections... etc."

if he didn't mind washing his penis with yoghurt, he could just hold it to pee...

I've lived in the Volta region for the last two summers. I never saw any yoghurt available at stores in Hohoe, where I lived, but if the person is in Ho, then he might be able to find some. I know it's available in Accra. When it comes to soap, it's the same thing: I never saw anything but plain bar soap available, so unless he wants to wash his penis with Key Soap, I think he's out of luck unless he goes to Accra, Ho or Kumasi.

djb23 0

look on the bright side, now you won't get AIDS on your Africa trip