Knackered knob

By Anonymous - 10/08/2009 06:27 - Ghana

Today, I learned that because of my new medication, I can either avoid getting malaria, or have a male yeast infection. I'm stuck in Africa for the next two months, and have to sit down to pee because I don't want to irritate my penis by touching it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 707
You deserved it 3 511

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think what he's trying to say is that the medication is to ward off malaria, but has the side effect of potential male yeast infection. A potential which has apparently been reached. FYL


explodingpupppet 0

hard, hard life man, and to think women have been putting up with this for years.

you're all retarded he obviously has sickle cell anemia trait

are you retarded? male yeast infection is FML worthy enough. that sucks. you seem to be the one without common sense here.

KeenJane 9

Fix the yeast infection Malaria really is not that bad.

TicTacAddict 0

No, I think he worded it wrong. He means that in order to prevent malaria, he has to deal with the yeast infection.

go for the yeast! malaria is worth it ;D

Raerae83 0

I would give anything to go back to Ghana... however whom ever said Malaria is not that bad... it is bad. People acutally die from it... never heard of anyone dying from a yeast infection though... hmm....

Common antibiotics often cause yeast infections. He needs the medication to prevent malaria, but is getting a yeast infection because of it.

tiffyco 0

Ha! Now you see what women have to go through!!!

Sam_13161821 0

WAH, you cant pee standing up for two months. Females have to do that their whole lives. F THEIR L.

All of you who are saying for him to use gloves while he pees or tongs, its not his hands that can't touch his penis, its -nothing- can touch his penis! Wait until all of you get yeast infections and then you will understand this fml.