Leave people alone

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - Mozambique

Today, I went up to a girl at a bus stop and started chatting her up. Her response? "Am I being robbed?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 226
You deserved it 7 445

Top comments

what we have here, is failure, to communicate.


what we have here, is failure, to communicate.

MyNameIsBruce 0
BananaPancakesJJ 0
sourgirl101 28

Excellent movie. Excellent song. (:

Be grateful you got a response; beats being ignored :P

itsamberyall 0

i absolutely love your profile pic fellow parawhore. ^_^

not true at all. not all attention is good attention.

enonymous 8

The answer is yes. You robbed her of 5-10minutes of her life she will never get back. You robbed me of 20 seconds I will never get back... funny my wife told me that last night during sex too... anyway op stop robbing people

sourgirl101 28
enonymous 8

I know! I was going for the full 60 seconds of fury but got too excited and boom goes the dynamite

sourgirl101 28

Haha. Let me guess. You explained to your wife that if she wasn't so "hot" this sort of thing wouldn't happen.

enonymous 8
enonymous 8

sigh things that happen when your iPhone app looks like it crashed. anyway sportscenter was coming up and I'm not missing march madness talk

sourgirl101 28

Hell ya, March Madness! I'm expecting a huge turn out, at my bar tonight. Just hate that the game starts so late.):

enonymous 8

I'm expecting a huge turn out as well on my laz-e-boy.

kryviar 0

you were robbing her heart.<3

DiamondFinish 0

totally off topic but ur very handsome :)

mismonroe 0

Might as well have gone with it.

DiamondFinish 0

Lol Were you a certain color perhaps?

Green? Mauve? Puce? Lavender? What the **** are you trying to say here exactly, ass goblin?

RedPillSucks 31

Doc, unfortunately, that is the way some people will react.

Sure Red, but that doesn't mean I have to like or accept it. I've noticed several other similar comments evaporate into the ether. Some kind mod is thankfully keeping the comment section clean.

hammerfall26 6

was it cuz your black? damn stereotypes!