Leave people alone

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - Mozambique

Today, I went up to a girl at a bus stop and started chatting her up. Her response? "Am I being robbed?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 226
You deserved it 7 445

Top comments

what we have here, is failure, to communicate.


Mariazzz - insulting someone's looks here will result in a moderated comment and KaySL's entire set of Tiger Woods golf clubs up your ass. If you really want to insult someone's looks, go find an ugly toddler at a grocery store.

did ask or demand her name and number??

Rebi3144 8

Doc, you need to prescribe me some of that LSD because you're too funny for my little mind to handle.

ergo_fml 13

YDI for probably being creepy.

tell her you're trying to steal her heart. or something. |the kid|

ifiFaLL 1

you should have robbed her and then rapped her...

ArthursLifeSucks 2

Here's a little post-robbery rap for her: "Yo yo yo, ya bitch, I just took yah purse. Ya oughta give props, you're not in a hearse."

Well take a shower, brush your teeth, wear clean clothes, and smile. Next time you might not look so mean.

Capt_Oblivious 10

Tell her, "why yes you are, of your dignity if you accept a date with me".