Let down

By heartbreakkid21 - 14/05/2009 15:22 - United States

Today, I was on a date with this girl I actually like. The date was going really well and it seemed like it would be a good night. While in the movie theater, I went to hold her hand and instead she gave me a hand shake and said, "You're so funny, I'm so glad we're friends". FML
I agree, your life sucks 63 196
You deserved it 5 620

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lol, owned at least she was nice and took it in stride it could have been worse. She could have jumped back disgusted and screamed "WHAT THE HELL!? WHY ARE YOU TOUCHING ME!?! RAAAAAAAPPPPPEEEEEE!!!"

Sucks. Sounds like both of you had a different idea of what was going on...


aerials_fml 0

Haha. Totally burned. At least she let you down in a nice way instead of reacting in disgust. ive been wondering though. do guys ever ask girls out ever just to hang out as friends? ive had guys ask me out to do something but i always assume that it's just as friends since they never actually say the word date. then when it turns out that they like me, i end up rejecting them in a not so nice way. :

thisishilarious 0

shes a **** and is just using you for a free movie

washburn_fml 0

i've been here more times than i like to think about. it's never a fun situation to be in. just keep trying, though. eventually a girl will get the same idea as you and then you're golden.

Listen to #7 if you want to work for year and year and still not get anywhere. Cut your losses and move on. Try and be more confident, direct, and assertive next time. Assuming you weren't the first time around..

ouch, that just locked you in the 'friend zone'

well if you see it like that. you touched her hand, her hand touched her boob. so in theorie that means you got some beeewb!

You got friend-zoned. If you want to have any shot at it here's how you do it: Get away, don't see/meet here even in a casual setting for 1.5years+ moving away does this well. Work out, bulk up, whatever. Get rich. Then come back, drive up beside her in your BMW and say, "Hey, don't I know you?"

Wow, I'm shocked people ae backing you on this one: you deserve it, totally. "Today, I was on a date with this girl I actually like." Maybe you should stop trying out dates with girls you don't and then they'll do the same in return, sounds like you just got a dose of your own medicine!

Ooh! This is a perfect time to say "She's just not that into you." At least she let you down in a sweet way and not like "hey listen bitch, we're friends at a movie which i'm finding hard to enjoy while you're mauling me. I DONT LIKE YOU LIKE THAT."

whoa whoa whoa. relax! she thinks of you as a friend! there's no harm in that. she thought you were hangin out, and you thought you were on a date. that's why you communicate. i'm sorry she didn't feel the same way, but she was being nice about it and giving you the message. she could've said "whoa! what are you doing?" or not said anything and made it more awkward. so relax. you'll find a girl who likes you back the same way.