Let's get it on

By Frank - 17/08/2011 06:50 - United States

Today, I came home from work tired and horny, and asked my girlfriend if she wanted to go make love. While all she had done all day is lay on the couch and watch television, she said, "I'm too tired, why don't you just go into the bathroom and grab a quick wank." FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 061
You deserved it 6 458

Same thing different taste

Top comments


first, dump ur fat ass girlfriend and quit saying "making love", its callef sex and u sound like a bitch

what an asshole."skinny people dont rest. some of the laziest most useless people i have ever known were skinny.especially skinny woman.

calichick3393 2

that's like me and my bf cept I always help him if he asks

zembof 3

Wow slap that hoe and show her who's boss u lily livered yellow bitch

amans 3

why are some girls like that? you **** him and your both happy;) haha

aj_alex 0

All bad..should dump her stupid b

I have to admit, her line was blunt. But if she is not in the mood for sex, then she just isn't. You cannot dump her for not having sex with you at command, as some suggest. YOU should be the one who should be dumped for suggesting such a disgraceful thing.

dump that waste of life.woman need to remember why we keep them around and put up with there shit.the sweet gold between their un+greatful legs

Thats when you dump the girl and find another.

You don't ask her if she wants to make love you big wank... you seduce her.

Next time she wqnts money from you say" why just you give me a quick wank first"