Life hacks for kids

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my daughter learned that if she rips a toy out of its package in front of a store employee, mommy will be forced to buy it. She now has two new toys today. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 477
You deserved it 11 660

Top comments

And today you need to learn how to discipline your child.

Just pay and leave the toys in the shop. Also punish her for being a brat.


For all of you youngsters giving parenting tips to spank the chid go and take a child development course. Spanking won't teach the child to not do something bad. it teaches the child to fear and can mess up the childs emotional development. don't allow the child to keep the toys and take away a favorite toy until the child can handle shopping without taking toys off the shelf.

Get that stick out of your ass. A child's like a pet puppy, really. Kids are in no way able to comprehend why their parents are yelling at them. Physical discipline is one of the most proper ways. "Punishments" are ghey, they in no way teach the child what they've done wrong.

Speaking as a child who was spanked (albeit not much), it certainly didn't make me fear my parents (I remember constantly pushing their buttons, I wouldn't call that fear), nor has it messed up my emotional development. I'm not saying this person should immediately smack their kid when she does something wrong, but really. I realize my case may be unique, but don't try and speak for all spanked kids when you say it makes them fear their parents. As long as no one is abusing their child (and don't try to argue spanking is abuse, because a slap on the behind or the hand is not the same as a punch in the face or refusing a child food) people should mind their own business and let people parent their own way.

boatkicker 4

ichtudirweh, your situation is actually quite common. The reason spanking has a bad reputation is not because it is bad. Reasonable spanking does not make a child fear its parents. The only reason spanking has a bad reputation is because those who ARE physically abusive often hide behind 'spanking' to justify their own misconduct.

mr_miyagi 0

you should have told him to wear a condom

Ummmm who's the parent and the one that is supposed to be in control of these things? Discipline your child!

so, in return back home, you ripped open the kids piggy bank and tore out tge money the toy cost? I don't see the big desl here unless you didn't punishyour kid. YDI for failing as a parent though!

People are too harsh on this. Her kiddo JUST figured out the new trick! Yes, punish her, but this mom does not deserve all the nasty comments. She didn't fail. I bet all the people who said she's doing such a bad job don't even have kids. She only fails if she doesn't punish her daughter and lets it happen again. People need to stop being so mean.

Flutist 3

Grow up Kyra, people are allowed to be mean on this site all they want. Chances are Op won't even read this. We are being HONEST, she is not being a good mother if she allows her child to get away with it. Especially since it says "she has two new toys." That does not imply that her daughter has been punished. Who cares if it is the first time. The mother pays for the toys and takes them away, not GIVE them to the daughter.

Just because you're allowed to, doesn't mean you HAVE to. And honesty doesn't have to be mean either. And how she decides to deal with the problem is up to HER. Of course, I do agree that she should take the toys away...

Flutist 3

Kyra, then don't come on a site where one of the options is to tell the person they deserved it. I stand for telling people to stop being chauvinistic pricks or *****, but I also stand by everyone's right to believe that cheese talks if they want. They can be rude, ignorant, or kind--because people will always have opinions you won't always agree with. The point of this site is to get your opinion out there, no matter how trollish or retarded it might be. Don't start crying about getting hurt, or hurting someone else, because a site with the word **** in the title implies the people on here will be using language and sharing opinions that would not. If you want nice, go to church. The best part of the site is arguing. So get on the bandwagon or go home.

wel, I pretty much agree. FYL but that is kinda wat kids do

I can't believe you let her keep the toys. I would have paid the store clerk, and thrown the toys away on the way home. Teach my daughter that she can't just force me to pay for something like that. Fail parenting...

YDI for letting her HAVE the toys. I'm sure she learned her lesson... You should have made her give them away to the poor or something.