Life hacks for kids

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my daughter learned that if she rips a toy out of its package in front of a store employee, mommy will be forced to buy it. She now has two new toys today. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 477
You deserved it 11 660

Top comments

And today you need to learn how to discipline your child.

Just pay and leave the toys in the shop. Also punish her for being a brat.


GreenDayRHCP 5

So youre telling me that your life is ****** because you bought a toy?!? What the hell is wrong with these FMLs?! ugh, theyre not even entertaining anymore.

Where is your love of corporal punishment coming from??? You do realise that this ends up leading to this::

Five people? The only ones less than 80 years ago in a foriegn country?

weezyE 0

Quit crying. Learn to be a parent. Here's an idea: THROW THE TOY AWAY, THEN GIVE HER A FEW LICKS WITH A WOODEN SPOON ANY TIME SHE DOES IT. Jesus, people

So why does your daughter get the toys? Make her donate them. You're spoiling her.

I agree that just letting your child keep it will encourage her to keep the toys. But I say giving to charity or other kids isn't good, either; it will teach your child charity is a punishment, not something that is compassionate and nice to do for fellow humans. It will teach your child to be bitter, jealous, resentful. Better pay if they force you but remember they can't force you to take it home. Another solution would be to take the toys home but don't give them, and promise to give them to her when she's a big girl and knows not to act out. No need to give out cruel punishments like most people suggest -- for the love of life, she's your kid, not your enemy! I hope the people who suggested unusually cruel punishments grow up before they have kids.

russianspy1234 11

Hmm you're right I didn't think of that. How about "Sorry honey, after buying the toys I couldn't afford to buy any food for today"

you are not forced to buy products that you or your child destroys. if that's the case any time a customer drops a bottle or breaks something they would have to pay for it. my advice, take the 2 toys and your receipt and return them. also, beat your brat, it's ok I won't tell.

MiniJenny_fml 0

And that is when you apply some good firm disipline with your hand to her backside

why on earth would you let her keep the toys? Even if she screams, cries, or throws a tantrum you don't reward bad behaviour like that.

mr_miyagi 0

control your kid i mean jesus stop spoiling your kid and why the hell would you give her the toy. make her pay for it with christmas money or break two of her toys or just punish her somehow