Life hacks for kids

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my daughter learned that if she rips a toy out of its package in front of a store employee, mommy will be forced to buy it. She now has two new toys today. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 477
You deserved it 11 660

Top comments

And today you need to learn how to discipline your child.

Just pay and leave the toys in the shop. Also punish her for being a brat.


The world would be a better place if giving sensible advice on the internet could prevent bad parenting.

boatkicker 4

Unfortunately no one trusts advice they get on the internet because so many people give bad advice.

smart child haha i agree give the toys away and tell her if she does it again, ull buy tge toys, give em to charity, and break her toys when u get home ^^

sassy_simi 0

not only should you not give her the toys, you should make her be the one to hand them over to charity or a homeless shelter.

Today, I learned that I have to discipline my children to get them to act the way they're supposed to. IDI And no, your daughter doesn't "have two new toys" unless you were foolish enough to let her have them. Give 'em away or toss 'em, but your daughter should be the one person in the world that doesn't get them. It looks like you have a lot to learn. This is why you got pwned by your kid.

AxCxDxDx 0

Knowledge is a dangerous weapon! haha

g_love_glove 0

What you need to do is donate the toys to charity. That will teach your child that they don't get to keep the toys they force you to buy.

so yyou give them to her? way to fail failure

I agree with everyone, give the toys away or throw them out, then put her in time out!

geordieboysgirl 0

Very unnecessarily harsh. Every parent learns as they go along. Maybe the mum was just too flustered to think clearly. The kid didn't rob someone at knife point.

Every parent learns as they go along? Obviously she didn't if the child managed to do it twice in one trip. If it happened once why on earth would she let it happen a second time? After the first she should have either made sure her daughter was holding her hands at all times or sitting in the cart or at the very least she should have kept a closer eye on her. If she lets her daughter keep the toys then she definitely deserves it. It's just like if a kid has a temper tantrum and the parent gives them what they want to shut them up. What is that teaching them? That if they behave badly then they get what they want. The problem needs to be addressed right away so that the kid realises that they can't get away with that type of behaviour. I agree with everyone else that said she should make her daughter give it to a charity.

altaira_fml 0

OMG is that your standard for a well-behaved kid?! "Didn't rob anyone at knifepoint"?! FYL and please don't have kids.

if she doe it again, buy it then don't let her have it. say she can have it when it is earned.