Life hacks for kids

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my daughter learned that if she rips a toy out of its package in front of a store employee, mommy will be forced to buy it. She now has two new toys today. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 477
You deserved it 11 660

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And today you need to learn how to discipline your child.

Just pay and leave the toys in the shop. Also punish her for being a brat.


YDI YDI YDI YDI. There's no more parenting in this world?

I like the people who mentioned donating the toys. Make sure she sees them being donated. But just because you have to buy them doesn't mean she gets to benefit. Suck it up and be a grown up already!

sadistic_mms 0

I've decided if my future kids do that, I'll buy the toy, but throwing it away and disciplining my child when I get home

yeah as everybody has said when that happens just take the toy away and donate it. also there is another way, make sure that when you go shopping with her don't take her near the toy section of the store and if you really want her to learn for every toy she rips open in the store you donate that toy plus one toy from home to charity. If she see's that not only doesn't she get that toy but loses one she already has she will learn. Also there is one other option. Does she usually rip open toys in front of employees because if she doesn't just toss the toy to the side. easy as that

i think blaming this mother for her parenting is completely wrong. children do stupid, misbehaving things all the time. depending on the age of the child, you can't necessarily blame the child. and i doubt that they were in a toy store, they could've been somewhere like Wal-Mart getting other essential supplies for the household. as for anyone that said don't take the child to the store, perhaps the mother had to. maybe she can't afford to get a babysitter, and the other parent is at work. and along that same lines, perhaps the mother let the child keep the toys because she didn't really have the money to afford those two toys to just go ahead and give them away, or just to throw them in the garbage. and i guarantee that everyone here that is blaming this parent is probably someone that's between the ages of 18-25 and don't have kids.

#99, I blame the parent. I am also over 30, and I have a child. He pulled this same stunt. No, I really couldn't afford the toy. In fact, I had to put something back that I needed in order to pay for it. But you know what? He didn't get the toy. Teaching him not to be a little shit is worth more than the money I lost. He doesn't tear into boxes in the store anymore. Being poor isn't an excuse for rewarding this type of behavior.

b1a2n3a4n5a6s 0

What a load of total crap. Don't blame the mother OR the kid? Why not, one of them obviously ****** up. If the kid is 'too young' to blame, then it's on the mom for not watching a child that young better. If the kid is old enough to know the difference, then you can definitely blame her for acting out. Just because kids do 'misbehaving' things all the time isn't a reason to let it go. They need to be taught that the 'misbehavior' is unacceptable and has negative consequences. It's an essential part of BEING A PARENT. Then she needs to keep control of her child while they're in the store. Don't feed us any bull about how it's 'soooo hard' to keep watch of a kid. My 6-months along pregnant mother managed to take 4 year old me shopping by herself since dad was overseas, and I never destroyed anything, ran away, etc, because I was taught better than that and she made sure I never left her eyesight. It's not that hard. Man up. "Oh here honey, you don't deserve these toys because you're a little bratty hellion, and I wasn't planning on buying them in the first place, but have them anyway 'cause we're poor." Wtf?

I wouldn't have just made her donate the toys that she opened. I'd have taken her home and packed up some of her other toys and donated them as well. If she can't appreciate what she has then she can do with out some stuff.

mommy needs to learn how to spank that child and then give the toy away, the child will learn fast that opening a toy in the store = spanking and no toy.

when she rips it, make her go with you to donate it to a charity store.

Yeah...if you give her what she wants, she'll keep doing it. So buy them and give them to a kid who actually needs/deserves them.