Life hacks for kids

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my daughter learned that if she rips a toy out of its package in front of a store employee, mommy will be forced to buy it. She now has two new toys today. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 477
You deserved it 11 660

Top comments

And today you need to learn how to discipline your child.

Just pay and leave the toys in the shop. Also punish her for being a brat.


@45, IAMNAL, but there is a difference between "personal property" and the inventory of a store. I worked at a grocery store, and people have dropped beers and cans of spaghetti (and I have as well), and the manager just tells me to clean it up and bring it to the back to the store so they can write it off. In both cases, an employee and a customer rendered something of the company's broken/unusable, and in both cases, nobody had to pay for it. In fact, one time somebody dropped something after paying for it, and the store replaced it. Stores are also covered by insurance. Also, it doesn't make sense that you have to pay retail for the product. If you "buy" the broken product, then the store recoups its cost + makes a profit.

MeGustaComer 0

Oh hell no, when my sister tried that on my mom she got the two toys, but my mom gave them to my cousin and me and my sister couldn't play with them. She had to go through a handful of discipline, which I hope you give your daughter as well.

no, she doesn't have two new toys. you should take those toys, throw them in the garbage in front of her face, and discipline her in a way she will never forget. i know you probably wasted $20 but its worth it. she needs to know who's in charge before she costs you even more money.

for the record, i was referring to the throwing the toys out as an unforgettable punishment, not physically beating the kid.

First: HAHAHAHHAHAH That's hilarious, and she outsmarted you. Second: the same everyone else is saying, good advice.

Sparkiee93 3

No she doesn't! You don't reward her naughty behavior with letting her keep the merchandise she destroyed. Don't go back on it now, because it sucks when parents do that, next time it happens though you should take the toys she just stole and you gave to her and the one that she destroyed and give it to another kid of throw them away, and if it happens AGAIN show her that toys are a privilege not a right and take all of them. Just a suggestion :)

You GAVE her the toys. Yes, you had to buy them. Then you should have thrown them away in front of her as soon as you got home, so she understands the consequences of what she did. Or, you should have immediately taken them to a Goodwill or other place that accepts donations, and had her say "I took these when I shouldn't have, and now they should go to someone who needs them." Make her recognize that her actions have consequences! FYDaughter'sLife for having a parent who will just LET her have the toys!

God people be a little more relaxed, Shes just a little kid.

True, she is just a kid. But she needs to learn right from wrong.

_sourpatchkid 0

she is just a little kid, but it's at this age that you need to discipline them so that the habit doesn't reoccur. Otherwise she'll be manipulating people to get what she wants until she's much older. At this age, you have to establish your limits or your child will have discipline issues. That's just common sense. The people who look at a two year old and think it doesn't matter because "she's just a little kid" are the ones that end up with brats that everyone hates, which ultimately doesn't do the child a service - they become socially useless.

Why don't you discipline your child by spanking her? Corporal punishment makes kids straighten out and respect their parents, which is something that is completely lacking nowadays.

NOOO! You flipping idiot! Corporal Punishment leads to the kid ending up giving their children child abuse!!