Life hacks for kids

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my daughter learned that if she rips a toy out of its package in front of a store employee, mommy will be forced to buy it. She now has two new toys today. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 477
You deserved it 11 660

Top comments

And today you need to learn how to discipline your child.

Just pay and leave the toys in the shop. Also punish her for being a brat.


Now you learn something. She is smart!

yeah, my little sister used to do this. so my mom paid for it, and then asked the cashier to throw it in the garbage.. she cried for a bit, but didnt do it again...and it was pretty funny to watch..

and that's when you purchase the toy and then give it away

I would have gotten the beating of a lifetime and ALL my toys donated to charity if I ever pulled that stunt! My Dad had me well trained at a very young age to be on my best behavior. I thank him today, when I go places and see these little ***** screaming up a storm, throwing things around, and being a general pain in the ass, and their parents just stand there, ignoring it. I don't remember crying/screaming in public once when I was a kid, unless I fell down and hurt my knee. I'm so happy I was raised by a man with a brain. At least I turned out right. Funny how general parenting 'techniques' change in the course of 20 years.

clpolly 0

I totally agree. I was raised the same way. Children need parental guidance to behave

Agreed. My mom would have NEVER let me get away with this sort of behavior. She would have not only spanked me once in the store, she would have immediately left the store to continue my whoopin' and throw away a good percentage of my toys. I only ever did something like this once, with candy, and I learned my lesson QUICK. It's depressing how kids are being raised these days.

tomakobriefs 11

Kind of a tangent to #129, but I didn't even get to go to the store to even THINK of toys unless my room was tidy. I didn't clean my room one day when my parents asked me, so my dad took everything of mine that was laying around and stuffed them into garbage bags. He let me have my things back ONE THING A DAY over the course of several weeks, and only if I kept my room clean each day. So if he said I needed to clean my room in the future, I DID IT, DAMMIT. While that traumatized me for the course of my childhood, I came to be grateful for his sternness in adulthood.

monnanon 13

I think that a lot of parents are scared to discipline their kids in public, which is sad really. Parents today should have the rights our parents did to discipline their kids the way they see fit. Obviously beating the hell out of your kid in public is wrong but a smack is a better shock and deterant than words. Kids dont know how to reason no matter how many times super nanny has shown it works. Theres a time for words and a time for smacking and parents need to learn not to care what others think.

Wow you guys are stupidly literal, its unlikely she actually gave her kid the toys -.- Duh. It just sounds better phrased that way for FML. You know - like the people who go "OMG IF IT HAPPENED TODAY THEN HOW COMEZ UR ON FML" without somehow realizing that EVERY POST is prefaced with Today. Oh, and, no, she didn't let the incident happen twice. The INCIDENT obviously would have happened once, but the kid got two toys in one go.

boatkicker 4

"The INCIDENT obviously would have happened once, but the kid got two toys in one go." No the incident would not have obviously happened once. It might have happened once, or it could have happened twice. You're just as bad as the rest of us making assumptions.

infernalpuppet 0

but consider this, what if she realizes that mommy has limited money and decides to open a bunch of toys so her mom will have to buy them all and her money continues to drain untill the toys are kept. and if she's real devious then if her mother yells at her in the store she might say something like "mommy don't hit me again!!" f your life indeed

fail.. toy stores are not the only place that sells toys.. good try tho

clpolly 0

have you tried NOT giving her toys she ripped open, that way she'll learn that doing that won't get her anything. You're a bad parent and now you're whining about your daughter? You know, children don't educate themselvess

boatkicker 4

It does not say that OP actually gave her daughter the toys. Maybe the daughter will get them later on down the road, when its her birthday or something, therefore the new toys are still the daughters, but not right now. OP is not automatically a bad mother because she still has the toys, and in this situation OP is perfectly entitled to whine. Depending on what the toys are they could have cost quite a bit of money, and I'm sure you'd want to whine if your child cost you a lot of unexpected money.

helloooo can you read? The original fml says "She now has two new toys today". not "she did this twice" or "she did broke two packages" which might suggest maybe the OP is not the idiot everyone thinks she is and threw/donated them, but it clearly says "She now has two new toys today" Also your earlier post says this probably happened only once and insulted everyone because we're making an assumption that this happened twice. The phrase "two new toys" suggests opening up two packages and making her mum buy both. Even if they're within the same shopping trip/store, it still means it happened twice.

Not only would daughter have new toys, she would have a reddened rear end when she got home.