Life hacks for kids

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my daughter learned that if she rips a toy out of its package in front of a store employee, mommy will be forced to buy it. She now has two new toys today. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 477
You deserved it 11 660

Top comments

And today you need to learn how to discipline your child.

Just pay and leave the toys in the shop. Also punish her for being a brat.


ipwnallmen 10

I agree with 5 and also stores shouldnt force parents to pay for their childrens (OP's kid sounds about 2-5 at least), actions when it comes to toys and other nonessential items... just rewrap the item in a new packaging!!!

Yes they should, unless the child is of an age where they can work to reimburse the store themselves. If you're too stupid to discipline your child like OP, that's your fault. The store should not have to suck up the loss on a ton of stuff because your child is a brat and you don't want to take any personal responsibility for their actions and the consequences of letting them run rampant in a public location. If your kid destroys stuff in stores, leave them at home, discipline them, or learn to suffer the consequences of their bad behavior. That's the JOB of a parent. It's too bad people don't seem to realize there's any personal responsibility on their part in raising a child anymore.

Shady_R 0

Yes, stores should make the parents pay for toys their children have opened, items they have knocked off the shelf and broken or anything they've put their dirty hands on and ruined, like clothes. If the parents can't control their children in a public place, like a store, I shouldn't be expected to pay extra because your kid is ruining merchandise and making it unsellable. In this case, the mom shouldn't have given the kid the toy. Take it away, throw it out, donate it to charity. Whatever, just don't let you child have it.

wannabesinger 16

Not true. I work at Meijer and if anything gets damaged we can send the product back for a full refund

boatkicker 4

You're right peanutbutter. You almost definitely would have gotten yelled at. I was in teh food court at a mall one day eating, and watched a toddler walk out of hte mall into the parking lot, and since no one was there I went to pick him up. Of course when I walked back in carrying the baby the mother got up from her seat to yell at me about touching other peoples kids.

Maddoctor 10

I would have yelled at her right back for not watching her kid in a MALL, one of the easiest places to lose a child in. I hope that's what you did.

boatkicker 4

Nope. I don't like making a scene. I seen more than one parent just as bad as that, but at least this time the child didn't get hurt/punished for something. I've watched mothers knock thier children down and laugh. That child just cried and said he hurt his leg. I've watched a father smash the cell phone that his daughter just bought that she paid the bill for herself, because he said her ring tone was obnoxious. This one was rather loud and an intense shouting match followed. I've watched mothers leave crying infants unattended in a stroller for 45 minutes. So this time i was yelled at and got the evil eye for a while, but it was worth it because the baby was fine.

Yelled at or not, you did the right thing. That child could have been injured or worse.

Maddoctor 10

Wow, where the hell do you live? I've never seen things that intense, but maybe that's because I live in a moderate-sized town where if a parent did that they'd be chewed out for it. I respect you for holding back, but I guess I was just raised to say something when I see someone being a prick. But that's what I get for having a dad who was raised on L.A. streets. Adults there are sooooo much worse than here in Nor Cal.

I agree with the general comments. Ever heard of Pavlov's dogs?

monnanon 13

if your on about positve reinforcment then yes i have heard of it but it doesnt work the same way on children unfortunatly. No matter how much rewards they get for good things they will still act out. Thats what kids do


Nope, negative reinforcement also has the effect of reinforcing, not stopping the behavior. The only difference is that rather than rewarding good behavior with a positive stimulus, you reward the good behavior with removing a negative stimulus. What you mean to say is punishment. If you're not sure what things are about, don't come telling others how to raise their kids (and making a fool of yourself in the process.)

Lol, I don't think ripping the pricetag of a car is gonna get you a force buy Breaking a window, sure, but who would do that to their own, new car ;)

thighsofglory 0

Let's see. A car is thousands of dollars and a window is hundreds of dollars. You could break all of them to make mommy cave in and it wouldn't equal the cost of the car. Well, maybe it would on your car.

You're a weak and not particularly bright parent if you're actually giving her the toys. There's a hundred different ways you could have handled this and yet apparently you've been outsmarted by a child. You are what's wrong with society.

Oh it must be so cool to be you, and to never have made a single mistake in your entire life.

This woman made the same mistake twice in one day. She didn't learn from her mistakes and I think THAT is what #18 has a problem with.

Have to agree with Flounder, that's a pretty stupid mistake.

marathdamane91 2

not at Meijer that wouldn't happen we'd take a dollar off and toss it back on the shelf

don't let her keep them, never reward bad behavior, give them to a charity, while she watches you so she knows she has done something wrong.

It might be too late now, but next time if she does that, bring her to a Value village, or a store that excepts donations or something, and give it to the store or a donations box. That oughta teach her.

Umm what kind of toys were they? Most toys come in packaging nowadays that is pretty difficult for small children to open without at least a bit of a struggle first. How did you not notice what she was doing, were you just not paying attention at all either time? Unless she's already big enough to open toys without much of a problem, in which case she should probably be old enough to know better. Either way this is a bit of a parenting fail.

She doesn't have to have actually removed it, just damaged the packaging enough that the store insists on being reimbursed.

wellinever 5

Don't throw the toy away. Make her throw it away. Outside the store.