Life hacks for kids

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my daughter learned that if she rips a toy out of its package in front of a store employee, mommy will be forced to buy it. She now has two new toys today. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 477
You deserved it 11 660

Top comments

And today you need to learn how to discipline your child.

Just pay and leave the toys in the shop. Also punish her for being a brat.


Donate the toy. You may be forced to pay for it, but not to give it to her.

mojo4395 0

Donate the 2 toys, and donate 2 of her toys as well as punishment. Won't happen again. If you actually give your daughter the toys that she forced you to pay for, YDI.

Equinox987 0

Put the new toy on e bay, and put another one of her's on every time she does it. She'll soon learn!

skyeyez9 24

if possible NEVER take the kid into a store! Leave her at home with the other parent or babysitter. Never let her keep the toy. Give it to one of her friends. Third, discipline your damn child.

YDI for giving the toys to the kid, rewarding its actions. Even if you had to buy them, you give them to someone else. Or you just throw them away.

that's when u bust that. kids ass right there in the store lol.

youthink_fml 0

Great - another asshole kid that the rest of society has to put up with. Thanks.

So, use some common sense. Either throw the toy away or donate it (this would be preferable), so your child knows that just because she opens the toys she won't get to keep them.