Life hacks for kids

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my daughter learned that if she rips a toy out of its package in front of a store employee, mommy will be forced to buy it. She now has two new toys today. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 477
You deserved it 11 660

Top comments

And today you need to learn how to discipline your child.

Just pay and leave the toys in the shop. Also punish her for being a brat.


YDI of course kids can be difficult and maybe she even learned this stuff at school but show her that even if mommy has to buy these items after she rips the packages that does not automatically mean she can play with it. Of course it sucks for you at the moment but problems like this can be solved in no time without punishing her hard by just not giving her what she wants to have. Don't feel bad about the fact you bought the items and no one's gonna play with it, it's a lot worse if she keeps doing it.

MetalCraze 11

I would make her watch you donate the toys to charity

Well confiscate them and drag her along while you put the toys into a charity box at Goodwill or break them and throw them away.

She shouldn't have two new toys, she should have watch you burn them and two of HER toys.

You're not supposed to give the toys to her after she pulls a stunt like that, dumbass! Give them away to charity or as presents.

katelyn92507 1

I feel that if the mother makes the child donate the toys to charity, the kid will think of donating as a bad thing, or something that you only do when you're being punished. The mom should throw the toys right in the trash, in front of the kid; then pull it out, brush it off, and donate it after she's sent the kid to her room..

Oh, good thinking. You clever, clever person.

Chrissychens 0

why would you give her the toys?! just give them to a shelter or keep them until her birthday and something but don't reward her for this behaviour! She's gonna do the exact same thing the next time.

monnanon 13

whats with all th YDI's kids will do what they like no matter how well disciplined they are thats just the way the world works. You mean to tell me that none of you guys did something like that as a kid? I did, well maybe not ripping toys out of the packets but putting stuff in the trolley that my mum didnt want and hoping she didnt notice. SO many FMLs have blamed normal kid stuff on bad parenting, its not bad parenting at all. Kids like to be mischevious and find any way they can to get what they want, they are egocentric.

girlygirl666 0

She did it TWICE. obviously the mother is handling the situation badly. So you're advice is to let the kid do what she wants? Ok. Don't have kids, please.

She didn't do it twice. She did it to two toys in the same day, probably at the same time. It's pretty easy for a kid to yank their hand out of their parents and run off, and have enough time to quickly tear two packages. The OP didn't deserve it, nor is it her fault she did it in the first place. That's what kids do. If you think differently girlygirl, perhaps your the one that shouldn't reproduce because you're going to be in for a big shock. The OP didn't handle the situation very well afterwards by the sound of it, but I don't think that's what mon was saying. Just that she didn't deserve it to happen in the first place.

monnanon 13

thank you twinklestar. All i was saying is kids do bad shit no matter how well their parents are doing.

monnanon 13

No i did not say that I was saying that kids do not understand that what is being done is for their own good and will fight tooth and nail to get their own way. I bet even children brought up with strict discipline will act out, may be more likely to act out actually because kids do not like to be hemmed in by rules. I do not for a second believe that OP is a bad parent. All parents struggle its a fact of life. I can almost guarrantee that the majority of people saying YDI for being a bad parent have never ever had kids or are still kids themselves. And just out of interest why do you hope i never have kids, what in my post painted me as a bad mother??

I'll have you know, I am a very disciplined minor (under 13) and I don't do stupid things like this. I get in trouble like once ever 2-3 months. Most of the time, yes children are mischievous, but 9 out of every 10 kids learns the difference between right and wrong by, say, 10 years old. You are the one who needs to learn kids can be responsible

YDI for not keeping a better eye on your kid.

I'm pretty sure almost every parent has at some point had their kid run off in a shop, unless you keep them on a kiddy leash.

True, but with what happened to Adam Walsh (and many other children) being pretty common knowledge, one would think people'd keep their kid(s) in sight at all times. The biggest difference between when Adam was murdered and today is 30 years ago people didn't have as much access to that kind of info as they do these days. If the kid wandered off when she ripped the stuff open, then OP is lucky that all she lost was a little money.

#73- Its not about the kid misbehaving. Every kid does that. The problem that is making people (including myself) click YDI is that the OP apparently allowed it to happen twice in one day AND let her child to keep the toys! That's just asking for the child to continue doing it, so yes, she deserves it. As someone else said, throw the toys out in front of her, then take them out and donate them when she isn't around. Lesson learned.

monnanon 13

I understand that but i took the fml to be that the kid had ripped up two packages at once. I also wasnt just meaning this FML which is a bit more clear on what the OP did afterwards to the child. I hope as you pointed out yourself that the OP did not give the child the toys especially if this is the first time she did this. I can understand the YDI for those reasons but as I said it was not just this FML that prompted my comment. It was every single parenting FML which is filled with YDI for no good reason or very little reason. I just wanted to show that parenting isnt as easy as some commenters seem to think it is.