Life imitates art

By awkwardsituation - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I watched a stray dog hump a garden gnome in my front yard. So did my two year-old daughter. I've already had to stop her "re-enactments" twice. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 757
You deserved it 4 980

Top comments

iSitt 0

it's the next travelocity commercial

jrkarikas 0

YDI for having an easy garden gnome.


niles_f1 0

Ok, that sucks and is rather embarrassing, but it's freakin' hilarious! if you have a video camera, film her next reenactment. It'll help you remember the cute days when she's an angry teen, and her reaction should be pretty entertaining when you decide to have a family screening in ~15 years.

sosoinlove09 0

kids catch on pretty quickly.

loski87 4

you kind of look like dawn from danity Kane who is now in dirty money

sallen0046 4

This isn't a fml, this is what children do. If you don't get a reign on her imitations soon, you're going to have much bigger issues when she starts to understand what makes you upset and starts doing it just to make you angry when she's upset. Not to mention when she starts speaking coherently enough to repeat the complete and inappropriate sentences she hears.

nikkkkkki 0

well at least it wasn't a person she humped

ShorTiE4LyFe 0

haha probably a chihuahua. :P

skyeyez9 24

The Travelosity gnome got raped by a dog.

KingDingALing 9

someone beat you to that joke, FAIL