
By yourfault - 02/09/2013 15:10 - United Kingdom - Kingston

Today, my boyfriend blamed me for his affair, because apparently I "should have made it clear to him" not to have sex with other people. FML
I agree, your life sucks 66 955
You deserved it 6 781

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dcarney7 8

Make it clear to him not to have sex with you

I would have punched him so hard that it would have knocked a few brain cells loose. Perhaps they would have fallen into place because he's clearly not operating on a logical scale.


vffjvsegb 11

That's the first I've heard that excuse

rlTlk 13

-_- I've heard it. Something like sorry I was not clear I wanted an open relationship but I don't see why you're upset.. Or I love you and you're my girl but you don't always crave one type of food, sometimes you want Italian, Mexican or other times Chinese. It's the same with sex how does that make it wrong.. Guys are assholes..

Please don't put us all males in the same category, generalization sucks, you know? Only a few of us are actually brain damaged enough to try and pull off such stupidity.

I would kick him in the balls. Then when he started whining, I would be like, "But, you didn't make it clear you didn't want me to.." Point proven right there, but you could really get some sweet revenge with that one.

Yes, because physically assaulting people is the answer. That's a crime, you know.

Obviously and I don't condone. It's hypothetical and illustrates a point.

Your 'I would' surely implies that you would condone such an activity?

So I'm a guy.... And that was so a bad excuse

Did he "make it clear" to you that he would not like you to use rat poison while cooking?

u sud b happy that god, in a way, warned u to stay away of stray stuff.now, it's upto u.

Obviously either 1. He doesn't have common sense or 2. He blames everybody else for what he does wrong. I hope your broke up with him.

metalcrazed 21

He has a valid point. Obviously you didn't make it clear you felt you were in as commited relationship. He probably thought you were just dating,YDI.

Are you like 12yrs old? I hope this never happens to you.

146, I would love to give 135 the benifit of a doubt, but there's something telling me, nope she was serious.