Lying and scheming

By samantha711 - 10/11/2009 02:28 - United States

Today, I found out that I didn't get a job because I failed the psychological analysis. It told me to answer each question and tell the truth. So I did. I asked my friend, who got the job, if she told the truth. She said no. Apparently you have to lie in order to get a job. Sorry for being honest. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 514
You deserved it 7 872

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Flutist 3

Have you ever looked at child ****? Op: Uh, she was 15... I mean 18... I mean...oh god! Have you ever sexually harassed your employer Op: I wish! I mean, I wish that happened... no didn't happen... no... wait... can we erase the last ten minutes. I don't think we are looking for someone like you. Op's Friend: I am a christian, with magical powers, and I can fly, so I will always be on time. Also I never sleep with people, I am like a plant, I don't need food just water and sunlight. So put me by a window, give me some coffee and I will never sleep. I am always honest, honestly.

Do you get along well with others? ... No. Do you tend to have violent mood swings? .... Yes. Are you clinically depressed? ... Sure as shit am. Have you ever had a restraining order against you? ... Who hasn't? Do you take any illegal drugs? .... **** yeah, why, you lookin to buy? Sometimes honesty just is not the best policy.


marshmallowmouse 0

A lot of jobs do that, and they do expect you to lie. But is that the kind of place you want to work, and the sort of management you want to work under?

A lot of people work where they work because they need the money. Not because it's where they want to work.

there's right answers and wrong answers to those tests. basically you cant be too emotional, love being helpful, think people are trustworthy and there's a point to life. oh, and you don't steal. you also cant get a perfect score because you'll get turned down for lying.

greenltrn2003 0

I'm pretty sure if any potential employer saw this comment stream, they would rethink their interviewing processes.

lololol111 0

ydi they tell you to tell the truth so they can weed out idiots who actually tell the truth for questions that will probably affect if they get their job or not

TJStarzZ 8

Let me guess how this went for you: "Are you angered easily?" 'YES' "Do you struggle with long-term assignments?" 'YES' "Do you believe that the customer is always right?" 'NO' "Do you know what **** OFF means?"

Of course you can't tell the truth. At my first interview ever as a store I lied lol.

fretforyerlatte 0

this was your first interview, wasn't it? sorry sweetie, lesson learned huh? you gotta tell these people what they want to hear. now, lying about skills would most certainly come back to haunt you, but not the personality questions. when dealing with people you kinda have to put on a big fake grin anyway. next time, you know what to do!

Yeah this is good advice, actually. NEVER lie about skills, because this will burn you if you actually get a job you're unqualified to do. It's also an extremely poor idea to embellish your work experience or education, since there's a good chance you'll be caught and instantly disqualified or fired. However, the "psychological assessments" are a bunch of fluffy BS with questionable predictive power. So in most cases the best policy is to answer them in the manner you think your potential employer will find desirable.

Dude that just happened to me too, doing some stupid phone survey. Before it started it told me that 'We realize everyone is human, and we would like you to answer these questions honestly, NOT how you would think we would want you to answer them.' So I did. And I failed. The worst part is that my honest answers were not that bad at all.

You don't have to lie, just change your attitude. The only way you failed that analysis is if you answered that you like to steal and come late to work regularly. It's not the test's fault, or the company's. It's yours for having such a terrible work ethic. YDI.