Lying and scheming

By samantha711 - 10/11/2009 02:28 - United States

Today, I found out that I didn't get a job because I failed the psychological analysis. It told me to answer each question and tell the truth. So I did. I asked my friend, who got the job, if she told the truth. She said no. Apparently you have to lie in order to get a job. Sorry for being honest. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 514
You deserved it 7 872

Same thing different taste

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Flutist 3

Have you ever looked at child ****? Op: Uh, she was 15... I mean 18... I mean...oh god! Have you ever sexually harassed your employer Op: I wish! I mean, I wish that happened... no didn't happen... no... wait... can we erase the last ten minutes. I don't think we are looking for someone like you. Op's Friend: I am a christian, with magical powers, and I can fly, so I will always be on time. Also I never sleep with people, I am like a plant, I don't need food just water and sunlight. So put me by a window, give me some coffee and I will never sleep. I am always honest, honestly.

Do you get along well with others? ... No. Do you tend to have violent mood swings? .... Yes. Are you clinically depressed? ... Sure as shit am. Have you ever had a restraining order against you? ... Who hasn't? Do you take any illegal drugs? .... **** yeah, why, you lookin to buy? Sometimes honesty just is not the best policy.


uh, yeah. OP, you have to make yourself sound like the best person possible on those types of things, and most of the time, that means lying your ass off.

I heard the key to those tests is being consistent in ure answers. So u can be honest, just don't contradict yourself.

what an idiot, how in the world are you gonna answer that you're okay with people stealing and shit? come on now.

velvet42 0

Yeah, I've always thought those tests are pretty much designed to weed out the people who are too stupid to know the "right" answers.

YDI if you were applying for a position as a politician I guess that's what our country has come to, where only liars can get jobs

ProtoBuster_1 5

This has happened to me twice during trying to find a job. The first was a 200-question psychological profile, from which the company said I didn't score high enough (wtf?). The second was when I was completing an application for CVS, to which they said I scored in the "yellow-green" range (again, WTF?!) OP, just keep your head up and keep on trying. You'll be able to find a job where you DON'T have to lie to work.

this happened to me to work at fricken outback steakhouse. the questions were like "Do your friends come to you for advice?" "do you enjoy parties?" blah blah blah. all about what i do in my free time - which has NOTHING to do with my work ethic! i was told that they can tell when you try to cater your responses to what you think they want, so i didnt. im not a bad person, i'd be great in a customer service job, but i failed the test. lame.

Their claim that they'll know if you tailor your answers is dubious at best, and more likely than not a bluff trying to trick people into answering honestly. After all, how can they know for certain if a person is tailoring their answers or is legitimately a great fit for the position? With that said, it's important to be consistent on these assessments. Most of the them DO have questions designed to gauge if you're lying by asking the same question twice, only worded differently (and if you respond "strongly agree" to one but "disagree" to the other, you'll be disqualified as a liar).

The problem is that when someone sounds perfect they just assume that they lied, because as we all know no one is actually perfect now days. I asked a friend's mother who does hiring for her company, she told me that if someone scores to well they assume that they lied and fail them.

When I was in high school I was applying for Best Buy and I filled out their TWENTY PAGE PERSONALITY PROFILER as honestly as I could. When I told my mom this months later, my mom told me I was dumb and insisted I re-apply, but this time she would fill out the profiler for me since she was afraid I would answer honestly and she knew what answers they "wanted". I ended up getting the job and consistently winning their little competitions for best salesperson. Long story short, those profilers are a waste of time and total bullshit. We had a HUGE problem with employee theft at my store, so obviously the profiler didn't prevent that. What it did do was eliminate the dumb thieves, so only the ones who were smart enough that they knew how to lie at laest would get the job.

Same thing happened to me when i applyed to the RCMP. I got top marks and amazing on the fitness test, but when i was suposed to be honest I said that my friends did drugs, I have not, but they have. They rejected me because they didnt want pictures of me around drugs. A couple months later one of my druggy friends got into the RCMP. He lied about drugs. Now everyone is calling me stupid because I was honest about my friends doing drugs... GG me.

perdix 29

How do you know that your friend is not lying about lying on the psych test? Maybe she told the truth and got the job over you because THEY found much more disturbing psychopathic tendencies in you, but THEY are afraid of you. Then, THEY told your friend that the liars get hired, but the truth-tellers don't, just to avoid making your homicidal brain snap. Hmmmm?