Man of faith

By ??? - 29/11/2009 07:59 - United States

Today, while I was in confession telling my sins to the priest, he called me a "pain in the ass." FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 631
You deserved it 9 925

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Are priests even allow to use that kind of language? o.O

WOW_idc123 0


TedFreakingBundy 0

you wouldn't say that if you were a 12 year old boy :[

Lol Thats why God hasnt really blessed the Church. All men can go directy to him. Any who gets in betweern you and GOD are frauding you and they shall be reprobated!

haha he's probably the same one who rapes little boys.

FireFlie07 20

Quit sinning so much and then maybe your priest won't have a problem. Seriously you must confess over EVERYTHING for your priest to be like that.

patriots_fan12 0

wow many people have been moderated thats sad..and wow if u got a preiest annoyed u most be really obnoxious

Ydi, what makes you think God is interested in your sins in the first place! In the second place YDI, there is no God, he is just an imaginary friend!

Way to make atheists look like dribbling idiots.