Man up

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States - Santa Barbara

Today, I woke up with horrible pain in my gut. It got worse and worse, and I started vomiting from the pain. My mom said it was the flu and that I needed to "man up." It turned out to be appendicitis, and I'm now typing this from my hospital bed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 692
You deserved it 3 229

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Be lucky you're not telling us this beyond the grave with and epitaph reading: "I told you it wasn't the flu!" on your tombstone.

Praying for you, OP. hope a speedy recovery is in your future!


Someone who has shared my experience, did it pop or was it just enlarged?

Well that's ironic. I was taken to the hospital for appendicitis, and it turned out to be the flu

If you guys ever have stomach pain and think it may be appendicitis press down on you abdomen, if when you lift your hand off it hurts even worse then it's probably appendicitis

I had to walk 20 minutes from school with appendecitis because my mom thought I was lazy. I know your pain (literally).

Wadlaen 23

So you're saying manning up didn't work!?