Manlet issues

By falling short - 20/03/2015 15:26 - India - Mumbai

Today, my best friend confessed to having feelings for me. I've been in love with her for a long time, so I was ecstatic. She doesn't see herself ever going out with me, though, because she's a couple of inches taller and can't imagine herself "towering" over her man. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 907
You deserved it 2 955

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If she's willing to give up the guy she likes for a height difference then that's just pathetic.


She has feelings for you, yet she doesn't want to act on them. That makes no sense at all. Maybe you're better off without that, OP.

I'm 6 inches taller than my ex and 3 inches taller than my fiancé. We make it work. How much taller is she OP?

You can turn it around. My wife didn't want to date me because she is older than me. Pursue her hard, and eventually height won't matter.

I had the same problem. Don't know what I saw in that hoe anyways.

Parvati48 15

That's a shitty reason not to date the guy you love. Sorry OP. :/

Don't let that stop you two from being together. You know she likes you so show her why you two would be perfect together. Regardless of your height. Don't give up. Because love that is unconditional and kind and gentle will win every time. Good luck. And I hope you get your girl.

Bit of a pointless confession then, wasn't it?