Manly man

By takinabreak - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I was taking a shower and I saw a new body wash that said "Radiance Ribbons." That sounded a little effeminate, but it smelled manly enough and the only alternative was normal soap, so I used it. Just now, I stepped out into the sun and found out what "Radiance Ribbons" means. I sparkle. FML
I agree, your life sucks 66 224
You deserved it 33 858

Same thing different taste

Top comments

barroomhero 0

It's okay, every girl who sees you will jump you.


Congratulations! You are now similar to a failure who thinks he's a vampire! Such a disgrace to vampires, that book...

hope you find a nice boyfriend. hahaha.

my god, how disturbing is it that we all immediately think of glimmering vampires when we read this... **** you, edward cullen. **** you.

I agree. **** our lives for being corrupted by such utter stupidity as glittering vampires. :P

completely agree. THAT's why I came in to see the comments! I knew everyone was gonna mention Edward Cullen! lol! I think I'm gonna use the bodywash so I can make this Twilight-obsessed girl notice me! lol

You'll pick up all the underage girls now heh. Good luck.

slinkiess 0

haha you stole what i was going to say. i like your style, #2.

Em, actually everythings wrong about that... rabid guys..shimmery glow... lol

A_Wolfe 0

I'm 17 and a lesbian, but I still love Edward Cullen. I'd hit it.

twilight fags gtfo. You assholes ruined this FML for me.

lifeislife_fml 0

I agree. Twilight is probably the shittiest thing I've ever read.

carolinepwns 0

Wait, you had to read it to figure that out? I'm pretty sure twilight is the shittiest thing I've never read, and that includes a lot.

americayay 0

#242 OBVIOUSLY that includes a lot. It's really very unfair to judge people for liking a book you've never read.

StealthStorm67 0

You don't have to read it, just the fact that a million butt-******* ugly girls are obsessed and have their lives revolve around "vampires" and some fictionary dude. And some retarded girls killed themselves over it? Seriously this books worse than a ******* cult. And I can talk, cuz i watched about half the movie....Well, i went to a girls house and she wanted me to watch it with her, but it was so ******* gay, I just got head from her to take my mind off that stupid shit.

Wow Stealthstorm, calm your hormones. You dont have to watch it. Damn.