Manly man

By takinabreak - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I was taking a shower and I saw a new body wash that said "Radiance Ribbons." That sounded a little effeminate, but it smelled manly enough and the only alternative was normal soap, so I used it. Just now, I stepped out into the sun and found out what "Radiance Ribbons" means. I sparkle. FML
I agree, your life sucks 66 224
You deserved it 33 858

Same thing different taste

Top comments

barroomhero 0

It's okay, every girl who sees you will jump you.


kiit23 0

You just became a god to Twilight fans.. so fyl cause yes, girls will be allllll over you, but the downside is most of them are crazy and/or underage. Seriously though sparkly body wash is just scary.

Jakester 0

no worries just start talking to twilight girls and theyll fall madly in love with you! :D

OhmManiPadmiOhm 0

I agree. You can get so many girls because of that. Idk if you will want them all since they are in love with a pretend vampire, but you can still get some.

where the heck did you get the bodywash that has the "edward cullen" effect? Not a fml/ydi , but definitely a pretty wacky moment! =D

deathbunny256 0

That just SCREAMS vampire or gay... (possibly a gay vampire?)

poopsicle22 0

#60 "Today, I was taking a shower and I saw a new body wash..." "taking a shower...saw a new body wash" "taking a shower" I'm pretty sure he didn't go out to the store and buy bodywash while he was in the shower it was probably just his sister/friend/roommate's and he ran out of his own. I'm actually kinda jealous. I'd never do it on purpose, but now you can be sparkly and have a good excuse for it! Rock on, OP!

Though my initial comment no longer exists for some reason. My mistake for misreading the post, but who uses someone else's body wash without asking? Or, for that matter, who takes a shower without having their own soap to wash with? That in itself makes the OP deserve it. Still, as a man, when given the choice between regular soap and "radiance ribbons" you choose regular soap.

When I'm at my parents' house [I'm away at school], there's only 1 bottle of body wash 'cause the rest of my family all use the same thing. So he could have been at his house and thought it was just a new body wash his mom bought or something. I know a lot of families who use the same body wash/shampoo instead of all buying their own. I don't see the big deal of this. No one saw him "sparkling", so all he had to do was turn around, go back into the house, and show with the regular soap.

#95 makes a EXCELLENT point! "was in the shower" Jealous myself.

dumbass. get out the 80 grit sandpaper!

note to self: stay away from body wash named "radiance ribbons."

jussmyyluckk 0

Well, on the plus side, if you're single, go to the mall, dye your hair bronze, and go walk around town and watch every girl turn and stare ! Hahaha ! :p

indian_goddess 0

don't forget the 'butterscotch' contacts. or whatever color it is.

First thing I thought too;) maybe he got assaulted by Twilight loving tweens :O