Manly man

By takinabreak - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I was taking a shower and I saw a new body wash that said "Radiance Ribbons." That sounded a little effeminate, but it smelled manly enough and the only alternative was normal soap, so I used it. Just now, I stepped out into the sun and found out what "Radiance Ribbons" means. I sparkle. FML
I agree, your life sucks 66 224
You deserved it 33 858

Same thing different taste

Top comments

barroomhero 0

It's okay, every girl who sees you will jump you.


you must be a vampire :( and yes twilight is a horrible movie/book

guess i found edward cullen yaaay haha lol srry but that was funny i m srry that happened to u


jncwmnd 0

yeah it is swarmed with twilight comments..and i am one of the few people who decided not to read the books or watch the movie, so it is bothersome...omg like edward cullen! wtf? ive seen commercials, the guy isnt hot op- hahahahaha, usually there is a description on the bottle usually saying something like subtle light enhancers or something like that, meaning "sparkles"

nerdgrl128 0

hahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaha! made my day


LOl.. You sparkle.. I dont get the whole thing with the vampire and twilight with this guy sparkleing.. I dont know the movie so I dont know what sparkling has to do with that... Can someone tell me..

Cloudy_fml 0

I think the vampires sparkle in sunlight or something. Ugh, silly book.

loves_to_dance 0

in the book twilight when vampires go into the sun their skin is supposed to like glow and sparkle.

stop saying twilight is for fat ugly underage girls, im slim quite pretty (as im told) and 16 also im completely legal! so dont dis the book

no one asked you.. or cares. I agree with #37, poor op.

Cloudy_fml 0

You being slim doesn't make the book any better, no offense. It's far from a brilliant work of literature.

Being 16 doesn't make you legal. The book's a book, but obsession is crossing the line.

sassyfrass 0

I will make fun of anything that's silly, and anyone that's stupid enough to be obsessed with something silly. And for everyone saying "OMG I love Twilight, stop it!" you're just adding fuel to the flames...