Manly man
By takinabreak - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States
By takinabreak - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States
By Anonymous - 22/03/2023 12:00
By soapgirl - 13/08/2009 16:07 - Philippines
By Anonymous - 21/06/2019 04:30
By Anonymous - 16/07/2023 11:00 - United States - Chesterfield
By Crabcake - 21/09/2017 19:30 - United States - Brooklyn
By Anonyme - 27/03/2015 09:50 - France - Laill
By miss tomato - 08/06/2012 16:36 - United States
By SummersEve - 12/02/2010 00:47 - United States
By IB6UB9 - 28/11/2009 17:32 - United States
By chapstick - 09/01/2014 03:23 - United States - San Dimas
you must be a vampire :( and yes twilight is a horrible movie/book
guess i found edward cullen yaaay haha lol srry but that was funny i m srry that happened to u
I wish I sparkled. :(
so what if u sparkle? deal with it
yeah it is swarmed with twilight comments..and i am one of the few people who decided not to read the books or watch the movie, so it is bothersome...omg like edward cullen! wtf? ive seen commercials, the guy isnt hot op- hahahahaha, usually there is a description on the bottle usually saying something like subtle light enhancers or something like that, meaning "sparkles"
LOl.. You sparkle.. I dont get the whole thing with the vampire and twilight with this guy sparkleing.. I dont know the movie so I dont know what sparkling has to do with that... Can someone tell me..
stop saying twilight is for fat ugly underage girls, im slim quite pretty (as im told) and 16 also im completely legal! so dont dis the book
no one asked you.. or cares. I agree with #37, poor op.
Being 16 doesn't make you legal. The book's a book, but obsession is crossing the line.
It's okay, every girl who sees you will jump you.
You don't sparkle, you flame :p