Master prankers

By bear92 - 19/06/2009 04:25 - United States

Today, I went outside a friend's house to find that my car had been saran-wrapped. I cleaned it up and went back inside the house. An hour later, I heard the doorbell ring so I went outside the house. They'd saran-wrapped my car again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 534
You deserved it 5 908

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Who'd you piss off? And if it was friends, find new ones.

doof_fisch 2

This happened to a friend of mine. He wound up going to a psychiatric clinic - and guess what...while he was going through psychiatric therapy - his car was SHRINK-wrapped!

ThisVampyricLust 0

That sucks, but is really amusing.

it sounds like the prank the seniors at my school pulled off this year. that was frikin epic :)

IronysMe 0

your life is far from F-ed, but their spending habits and the environment both are now...

i think you should learn how to spell:) ceran wrap.


exactly how stupid are you? you FAIL. miserably.. the OP spelled 'saran' correctly, and you, sir, are a complete moron.

#128 look it up its spelled ceran wrap its even spelled that way on the box genius!


the **** are you babbling about? anytime I've ever seen it written it's spelled 'saran" wikipedia that shit, they'll know!!