Master prankers

By bear92 - 19/06/2009 04:25 - United States

Today, I went outside a friend's house to find that my car had been saran-wrapped. I cleaned it up and went back inside the house. An hour later, I heard the doorbell ring so I went outside the house. They'd saran-wrapped my car again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 534
You deserved it 5 908

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Amazing! The most I've done to one of my friends is after halloween we went and got the really cheap web and caution tape at a discount. We covered his car in the web and tape which stuck to the frost on his car. We took pictures and then showed them to him later, he had no idea it was us before then. It was epic :D

kcoco94 1

hahaha, lol im sorry that happend 2 u but its jus so freakin halarious!!!!!

Security Cameras man, security cameras.

Maaaaaaan that's hilarious. poor you though...

Why f your life for something like this? Harmless prank, which empty shotgun shells would not stop.

Tomo_fml 0

lol this sounds like me and my friends we do stuff like this all the time

nammz 0

O.o I thought that this had said that your cat was saran wrapped. Makes a lot more sense to have a car saran wrapped than a cat.

kids get dumber every year. why is society pushing us to "go green". certainly not so those little fags can have a clean planet to cover in Saran wrap