Master prankers

By bear92 - 19/06/2009 04:25 - United States

Today, I went outside a friend's house to find that my car had been saran-wrapped. I cleaned it up and went back inside the house. An hour later, I heard the doorbell ring so I went outside the house. They'd saran-wrapped my car again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 534
You deserved it 5 908

Same thing different taste

Top comments


midnighthammers 0

how is this a fml? or more importantly, how did this get past moderation?

manoverboard 0

That's actually really funny. Just be happy they didn't put anything gross in your car, Saran wrap is funny as hell tho. Suck it up.

AHAHAHAHAHAAA... you probably deserved it... and at least it was only saran wrap.

Feel special, man. That shit is pretty expensive. It's probably also a pain in the tucus to get off of a car. :/

woo, i'm from virginia tooo! haha that's basically what we do heree, it's too ******* hot to do anything else.

black_heartz 0

do you not find that funny????

So what? As long as it's your friends that did it, consider yourself popular.

Oh em gee they Saran wrapped your car?!?!? No one gives a ****.

Haha, I actually think your friends are ******* awesome for doing that.