
By apparantlyStupid - 27/06/2012 23:28 - Canada - Okotoks

Today, I confronted my daughter about the various drug-associated items I found in her room. She then confronted me about going in her room and invading her privacy, to the point where I forgot the main issue and apologised to her. I just got outsmarted by a teenage pothead. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 329
You deserved it 43 623

Same thing different taste

Top comments

1337Anonymous911 3

So you just let the drug abuse continue?


I swear if my Parents went through my room like that.... I would move out.!!!

Boob_fml 6

Wow. I'd save you the trouble and kick you out.

Your acting like your blessing them with your stay! You are probably a burden if anything. Be nice to your parents and help them and comfort them. Only reason why they would look at your stuff is because they care! There are plenty of people out there that would love to have a caring parent. Regardless, it's always your loss!

raraisbang 12

Move out then, if it's so easy. In this economic state, even people with decent paying jobs are having trouble moving out. Please, teach us how it's done, oh master.

tuzdee1022 0

Ah little unwise children that don't realize how expensive it really is to live on your own. Yes please oh gift to the world, show us how it's done.

Were you high since you forgot that your kid has drugs in her room!?! You need a slap in the head and then you can slap her.

The worst part is that she's hoarding all the good weed for herself. She should learn to share.

unknown_user5566 26

36- Right?! Hasn't she heard of "puff, puff, pass"? That's like Stoner 101... ;)

unknown_user5566 26

Teenagers use this technique hoping that parents will be too deep in denial about their little boy/girl being involved in drugs to actually render disciplinary action. OP, hopefully you realized your mistake, and went back to talk to your kid. Just be sure to talk to her as if she is a young adult, and not simply a child. I think a lot of parents make the mistake of being overbearing and end up pushing their kids farther away.

unknown_user5566 26

As a side note, I think your username is humorous. I found it even more humorous when I realized you misspelled "apparently". ;)

depends on what kind of drug associated items like syringes and a crack pipe no good but with marijuana I dont see a problem let them know how you feel and tell them to smoke outside although in is better seeing as how theirs no cops on your house right

I'm pretty sure OP doesn't want her daughter smoking marijuana at all...

BubbleGrunge 18

I agree! I'd much rather my child smoke some grass then drink, smoke cigarettes or the hundreds of other hardcore drugs out there. Sometimes you gotta look at the bright side of things!

Bonzer 2

Some kids need the ass beating. Its okay to be physical once in a while. Time outs don't work all the time

63- how's an "ass beating" going to help? Besides striking fear and later resentment, can't see it helping too much. That must be your face above the "dumbass" calligraphy.

You have every right to intrude. When she's harming herself and when she's up to no good, respecting her privacy is no longer the first priority. You don't need to give an excuse or apologize. You're the parent.

The_F3rris 11

How about using respect and treating your kids like human beings? Sit down and have a real heart to heart and don't just presume that you know whats right for them all the time.