
By apparantlyStupid - 27/06/2012 23:28 - Canada - Okotoks

Today, I confronted my daughter about the various drug-associated items I found in her room. She then confronted me about going in her room and invading her privacy, to the point where I forgot the main issue and apologised to her. I just got outsmarted by a teenage pothead. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 329
You deserved it 43 623

Same thing different taste

Top comments

1337Anonymous911 3

So you just let the drug abuse continue?


66 I don't know why I hate you but I do I'm almost willing to fly to Dallas find you and beat your tiny head in but I won't so the first person to do this and send me some kind of proof pic bloody hair clump ex gets a cupcake.

Actually 66 it is my face. My brother sent it to me and I thought it was pretty funny

TarieBoo 2

63- an ass beating will only make children now have resintment.. in our grandparents years it wasnt to uncommon for some sense to be beaten into a child..

Sorry 71, may have come off a bit rude there. I apologize for that sir. Not usually that guy... Anyways, I see your point, I just don't think violence is really the answer for parenting problems. and 70, A bloody hair clump eh? What kind of a fight was this?

70 oh yeah, almost forgot. Would a little bit of punctuation kill ya? I mean, I had to read your comment a good 4 times before I could decipher what you were writing.

Learn to spell your username before lecturing your daughter.

The misspelled name is an obvious joke. She is Apparently stupid because she cannot spell.

Your daughter is the best allele gief her maney to buy moar :')

Speak english! Geez looks like you are on the crack pipe!

a wise man once said to me "spare the pot ruin the child".. well not quite but, I do think you should buy a few bags and make her some heavy duty joints..... .....then make her smoke it at once. when she whiteys, ask her if its worth it. dad did that when he caught me smoking... granted I still smoke but it took a couple of years before I touched another.