Mood ruiner

By RuinedTheMood - 21/09/2014 05:11 - United States - Tomball

Today, my fiancé and I were having sex in the early hours of the morning. He said, "Morning sex is the best thing to wake up to." Without thinking, I responded, "Yeah, unless you're in prison." He lost his erection due to laughing so hard and now can't look at me without laughing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 975
You deserved it 13 481

Same thing different taste

Top comments

fearlesscooldude 12

That is actually pretty hilarious, sorry that you lost your morning pleasures though :)


Honestly I wish there was a button for "your life is awesome, that's hilarious" because sometimes that's the option I'd choose lol

This isn't an FML, this is the greatest thing I've read on here.

Hahaha! Ur a comedian in bed! That's awesome!!! Keep up the good work!

this is just prime. my day is officially made.

Be proud, OP. Not everyone has that great of comic timing.

Thats epic!! well at least you know he's straight!

I bet you hope that passes real soon...maybe tomorrow

CaroAurelia 12

It sucks that your sex ended abruptly but at least you and your man have a sense of humor.

Disappointing yes, but still a pretty fun way to start your day :)