Mother knows best

By crushed - 29/03/2009 06:40 - United States

Today, I was hanging with my boyfriend. When his mom came to pick him up, he introduced me. She talked to me politely and I thought we hit it off very well. As I was walking away, I heard her say, "That's your new girlfriend? Honey, you could do so much better." FML
I agree, your life sucks 81 202
You deserved it 4 487

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I hvae raed smoehwree taht as lnog as the fsrit and lsat lttres in a wrod are corrcet tehn you shulod be albe to raed tihs, garmmar Nzais

TryToBeKind 0

I don't know if you did anything "wrong". Maybe you came off as standoffish (which could be because you were nervous and didn't know her). Maybe she's just a bitch. I don't know. Let's just hope that either a) your boyfriend doesn't bow/bend to what mama thinks or b) you dump his ass (as in stop associating with him altogether) before he dumps you.


eppie 0

his mom said that to make him feel good

Clutch118 0

It's ok, all moms say that at some point, they don't want their little sons to be taken away from them by a new woman. They're jealous. seriouslly. I know my mom is.

Oh, how the grammar soap opera has flourished since I left! I love it! #48: It's mainly a stylistic thing, and I don't know that there has been enough precendence for a solid rule, but the full stop was outside the quotations in my original post (#14) because it would otherwise appear that I was saying there should be a question mark after the full stop. It goes without say that that would be seriously wrong. So, I concede your point, but I don't think there's a right or wrong in this case. That's another fun thing about punctuation; sometimes it's open to interpretation! #77: Who's angry? I'm amused. #78: It's more like, "Today I realised just how low my generation has sunk in terms of literacy. FML."

Ender_ 0

#88 - I agree with what you said when it came to the comment that #78 posted. It made my day. I would also like to know who is getting angry here. I've been in the grammar debate since it started, and I haven't felt one bit of anger towards the others in said debate. Oh yeah, it's better to look like a pretentious tool than to look like you haven't passed grade school. Sorry that I like grammar.

as long as your bf isn't going to be affected by his mother's retarded views then it's not really a problem...... unless you keep reminding yourself of it and feeling shitty. just write her off as a bitch and be done with it. don't let the haters get you down, holmes.

And that guy will end up with is mother, like... FOREVER!!!!!!!!! Mommy's boy... Poor guy, stupid cow his mother

lovinn14 0

agreed, make sure it is confronted, so in ur whole relationship she is not pretneding to like you like my mother in law does. it just made things a hell of a lot worse

he could do so much better? I think you could if his mom is still picking him up..

You will never be good enough for your mother-in-law. Get used to it.