
By Anonymous - 14/11/2012 21:28 - United States - Colorado Springs

Today, was the day my girlfriend and I tried to 69 for the first time. Today is also the day I learned that I'm physically incapable of maintaining an erection after someone farts in my face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 255
You deserved it 6 808

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hiimhaileypotter 52

Just don't make a big deal out of it. I'm sure she's humiliated enough as it is.

KiddNYC1O 20


In my defense, it wasn't a fart, it was a queef!!

ChefPhilly 13

Queefs are completely acceptable, because generally they mean the sex was good.

perdix 29

That sucks. Don't feel bad -- I doubt many men could maintain an erection after taking a fart to the face. Don't run out and get Viagra, get some Beano for your girlfriend.

I knew a girl who told me she would fart uncontrollably during orgasms, but that her boyfriend would eat her out anyway. I told her she should marry that man.

amandajlucas2015 2

Hahahahaha that is some sound advice

Epikouros 31

Thanks, Grace, I guess there's hope for me after all.

decidedlyvague 11

You don't know what a 69 is do you?

Unless this persons been doing it laying down on their side. Then their butts would be facing the opposite way of each other...

theBadGuy37 9

This comment is full of fail. Even if he was just going down on her the fart would be in his face.

After reading 54's comment I feel like a failure lol. Oh well, you live and you learn.

decidedlyvague 11

53, that's a sideways 69. Reverse 69 is the only way her butt wouldn't be directly in his face. There is also standing 69, and some others, but mostly with the butt in the face.

I know what 69ing is. I meant why was her butt in his face? Wouldn't her pussy be in his face?

imperfections55 1

-_- do you not know what females look like? the anus and vaginia are fairly close. and if your practicing 69, and doing it right, yes booty would be all up in your face. thats what makes it even hotter.

I'm a girl, so yeah, I'm pretty sure I know what my body looks like.

tigerfight23 3

212-then how was this even a question?

Its ok, OP. I don't think you're the only one who can't maintain an erection after being farted on