
By MissYouPieceOfSkin - 27/11/2013 08:44 - United States - Kirkland

Today, I had a nightmare in which I was haunted by the ghost of my foreskin. I then spent the whole day moping around, wondering what my life would've been like if my parents hadn't opted to slice it off. Will I see you in heaven, long-lost ghostly foreskin? FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 966
You deserved it 16 722

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Did you by any chance smoke weed before you fell asleep?

I'd recommend you stay away from calamari for a while..

goliatron 9

Dawg you are on that crack cocaine.

happyfingers 15
Merylwen 24

You'd have to spend more time cleaning yourself, that's it.

raytyler26 16