
By MissYouPieceOfSkin - 27/11/2013 08:44 - United States - Kirkland

Today, I had a nightmare in which I was haunted by the ghost of my foreskin. I then spent the whole day moping around, wondering what my life would've been like if my parents hadn't opted to slice it off. Will I see you in heaven, long-lost ghostly foreskin? FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 966
You deserved it 16 722

Same thing different taste

Top comments


My husband is intact and I intend for our sons to be the same. Sorry OP

Merylwen 24

Well that's your choice. I know my sons will be circumcised.

It should only ever be the boys choice. Never the parents.

Of all the horrible things that occur in this world, male circumcision is far down the list. I don't recall ever having a sexual partner turn me down because of the aesthetical properties of my penis, and no relationship ever thrived or faltered because of foreskin. Other than the issue of choice, male circumcision is a largely benign procedure. As far as choice is concerned, parents make thousands of decisions for their children without their children's consent. The vast majority of those decisions have far greater consequences than the decision to circumsize. If you want to become outraged, focus on poverty, the lack of public health resources, hunger, or any of the myriad other issues in this world that actually affect a person's life.

Ins0mau 20

You can use the excuse of "there are more important things to worry about" for anything but the most amazingly horrible of things in this world. But if we did, we wouldn't make much progress, would we?

notsofriendly 17

Your life would include more penis cleaning and probably more infection. And probably more sitting around naked and bored playing with your foreskin. I don't have any opinion on circumcision, but honestly, I'm not sure you're missing much.

Ins0mau 20

I'm uncircumcised and have NEVER had an infection down there in my life. And for god's sake. A man should clean his bits circumcised or not!

Honestly the way you worded that made no sense... At all...

Everyday_Galaxy 14

77-The irony of your reply. If you had read the comment above yours you would have known that they already said that.

This dude is nuts! He actually believes there is an afterlife?

skyeyez9 24

I have a question: if having a foreskin is alot more sensitive vs a circumcised penis, does that mean a guy can't last very long in bed?

Ins0mau 20

I'm uncircumcised and my girlfriend thinks I last too long, if anything. It's more a case of the individual over whether he's circumcised or not.

Whatever you were smoking pass that around