My little friends

By Annonymous - 18/10/2012 14:41 - United States

Today, an exterminator sprayed for cockroaches in my dorm room. After classes I got back to find three large cockroaches on top of my bed. Now that the exterminator has sprayed everything, all the cockroaches are coming out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 443
You deserved it 1 930

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

Hey, it's 2012, lady! You can't expect cockroaches to stay in the closet forever.

unknown_user5566 26

Those little buggers are resilient as hell. Have fun playing whack-a-roach!


You should've called "Billy the exterminator". He at LEAST cleans them up for you... :) (love that show)

Well at least now you can donate them to the biology's insect department. They exchange money in some places for certain specimens at times. Good luck cleaning OP.

The spray attracts them and kills them. You'll hopefully see results aka not see roaches after about 2-3 weeks

Cockroaches: What up, foo? You got a joint?

I remember when I was in college and there was a ENORMOUS one on my bed I ran out crying! FYL they are awful

I used to work at a pest control company. The products are meant to draw out the bugs, then it kills them off after a couple days. So just give it a couple more days, and those pesty cockroaches will be gone

OP, you could try to mix boric acid (you can find it in pharmacies) with something insects will eat, like condensed milk, flour or sugar. Leave small quantities of the mix where the roaches go, like under/behind furniture, or under/behind the sink. They'll eat it and die. You can also mix plaster and flour and do the same. Then it'll give them bowel obstruction and kill them too. You can also use double sided tape that you stick wherever they like to go to catch them. There are lots of suggestions like these on the net too, if it doesn't work. In any case, obviously, make sure to only leave your boric acid or plaster mix where kids or pets can't reach it. Good luck getting rid of the roaches!

olpally 32

Watching the hangover part 2... The start of that movie has a nasty **** roach in it... Ewwww... Nasty!!

I throw my hands up in the air sometimes! Saying ayyo IT'S A COCKROACH RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!!