My little friends

By Annonymous - 18/10/2012 14:41 - United States

Today, an exterminator sprayed for cockroaches in my dorm room. After classes I got back to find three large cockroaches on top of my bed. Now that the exterminator has sprayed everything, all the cockroaches are coming out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 443
You deserved it 1 930

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

Hey, it's 2012, lady! You can't expect cockroaches to stay in the closet forever.

unknown_user5566 26

Those little buggers are resilient as hell. Have fun playing whack-a-roach!


Happens at my dorms too. Terminex comes and the termites come out.

yaniggamatt 3

are they coming out of the closet too?

Bekeliyr 10

Fire. Fire. Fire. It solves EEVVEERRYYTTHHIINNGG!

Keiren 14

The people that were renting our house before us turned it into a roach-infested dump. The landlady had it sprayed before we moved in, but the suckers came back. No matter how clean we keep the house, we still find them in random places. So gross.

robert76 5

I'm having the same problem right now. I moved in at the beginning of August and keep my place mostly spotless. After killing a roach every night for the past week I put about a dozen roach traps around the kitchen and bathrooms last night. Here's hoping it works.

Keiren 14

Good luck. We can't lay out traps because of our cats. They get into everything.

mafire27 3

I'm an exterminator myself. And to his defense that's what happens. You have to flush them out from where they are hiding

Spraying actually does very little for roaches. Bait is the way to go.

I hate roaches. I can spray or bait, but the whole apartment complex is infested, it'll be alright for 2 days or so after I spray, but after that they come creeping back. When my landlord was asked if he would do anything about it he said "I didn't bring them" Apparently it's not his problem... At least they're not the flying kind.

Steve95401 49

If your rearrange the letters in "dormitory", it spells "dirty room". From what I saw in my daughter's dormitory, I can understand whey it can become a breeding ground for cockroaches.