My little friends

By Annonymous - 18/10/2012 14:41 - United States

Today, an exterminator sprayed for cockroaches in my dorm room. After classes I got back to find three large cockroaches on top of my bed. Now that the exterminator has sprayed everything, all the cockroaches are coming out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 443
You deserved it 1 930

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

Hey, it's 2012, lady! You can't expect cockroaches to stay in the closet forever.

unknown_user5566 26

Those little buggers are resilient as hell. Have fun playing whack-a-roach!


BellaBelle_fml 23

Ahh, there's nothing more relaxing than cuddling up in your soft bed and being suffocated by pesticide fumes…

Yep, sounds like calling the exterminator was the OP's "Last Resort". ;)

noisebox 1

It could be worse, if you had bed bugs they bite and are hard to get rid of.....

would youlike to bye a roach hotel? if you could bye two that would be swell. we got one for four two for five or three for two apiece. ahohh gotta go here come da police.

I saw one in my garage and tossed boric acid tablets everywhere. If I see another, this house is going up for sale. ;) and it was only a palmetto bug, not a German roach that breeds like there is no tomorrow.

That is the grossest thing ever. I am so sorry.

skyeyez9 24

I heard if you spray the bastards with an aerosol can of hairspray, it immobilizes them once it hardens. May as well buy a can and **** with them

See if everyone else is having that problem

Did you ever think he didn't spray your bed?