Nair do well

By muffin - 10/05/2009 05:22 - United States

Today, I wanted to look really good for my date. I was a little self-conscious, so I decided to use Nair on my upper lip just in case I had a female mustache. Unfortunately, it turns out I'm allergic to Nair. Now I DO have a mustache. A rash mustache. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 011
You deserved it 16 613

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Before I read the last sentence I was really hoping it'd say "A rash-tache." But it didn't, and that made me sad.

Okay, I don't understand. By you saying you are allergic to Nair, it must mean that this would be the first time in trying to get rid of a "moustache." Next time think for a few seconds. First off, he accepted to go on a date with you, and whether it was you, him, or one of your friends who got the date started, he at least has some sort of interest in you even though you have a "moustache." Second, next try something unless you already tried it in the past; for example, if you had use Nair before, then that's one thing, but you never did use it, and now you did, and you embarrassed yourself further. Third, if he still likes you, even with the burn mark, then perhaps you shouldn't try using nair in the future.


You deserve it. Pay the money and get it waxed. Who uses Nair anymore?

egypt_fml 0

I used to use the Nair sensitive facial hair removal and it would always leave rash/burn/red marks (whatever they are) on me. Plus is dries out the area a lot, even with the moisturizer. It would take like 2 days - 2 weeks to disappear. I don't use it anymore, because it was probably ruining my skin. My skin is already super sensitive, a lot of things make it dry out, burn or hurt.

musu_fml 0

YDI. The instructions on those kinds of things always tell you to test for 24 hours on a small patch of skin first. NOW YOU KNOW WHY.

Brinya 0

RTFM! It says in the instructions to TEST it first on a patch of skin that's not particularly sensitive. Your face does not qualify. I feel for you, though. Had a friend who tried it first on her armpit. Burned her really bad, on a place that rubs on itself every time you move. ><

WHAT DO YOU MEAN INCASE?! You're blind, right? Unless you're blind the you deserve that. You LOOK with your EYES to see if you have a tash first! You don't just go "Well I might have one - let's just slap on some Nair," And everyone knows that you check products on a discreet area before you go slapping them on your face.

InTheAyer 0

you should kno that u dont use nair on ur face. its for legs and arms. wax next time. and ps, the people who make nair are phyco casue im allergic to it too.

writerxforever 0

rofl #3 FTW I was thinking the same thing. =D

OMG i was TOTALLY hoping it would say rash-stache too!!!!!! why do i never get to see what the mean ones say? what did #1 say?